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No NPC dialog


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As the thread states I get no npc dialog when attempting to speak to any npc or when starting a new game. I've tried disabling all mods and the issue still occurs, I used my back up vanilla folder and still have the issue in a new game.


things worth noting, I played Enderal recently where the dialog worked fine and I have no idea if that would affect my other installations of Skyrim.


-Solved- seems Enderal messed up my "C:\Users\****\Documents\My Games\skyrim" folder, replacing that with a clean one seemed to fix my issue with npc dialog not triggering.

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  • <I get no npc dialog when attempting to speak to any npc or when starting a new game. I've tried disabling all mods and the issue still occurs> Verify gamecache and start a new game with no mods at all, (should work with no mods). If it worked, increase the loading mods untill you find the culprit.
  • If above didn't work, you may try the same, but instead of verifying the cache, make skyrim vanilla again. Just to be sure your game is in pristine condition.
  • If above doesn't work, I don't see...perhaps voodoo things.
  • If you find the culprit, you may create a merged patch with Tesedit.
  • Lower it's load order.
  • How things work in Tes5edit : load order / conflict looser - winner / Forwarding / adding as a master. More specifically, you may create a manual patch between two or more mods.

Good luck.

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