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Request Help: Large House, with Dragon Roost


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I would like feedback on this, as I've posted this before and gotten nothing about it. It's likely too large, with too much going on, but considering the amount of effort that has to be put into even getting it, I think it might just be worth it.


I made a house for myself in Oblivion, with a place for everything, and just gave it to myself. I want to recreate something similar, only this time I don't think I'll be just giving it to myself, Skyrim deserves more then that. I have to come up with some way of earning the house, and with Dragons, that will be my goal. Though if I can't make my lofty goal come true, I'll either have to outsource it to someone who likes my ideas and has the skill to make it, or dumb it down just so I don't pull out my hair from frustration. While I'm fairly good at building simple structures, this one will be fairly complex and will need a lot of work, so if I could get some help or even better if someone can do the outline for me, which I can then flesh out myself would be great, as I have no skill with caves and large buildings.





Entrance somewhere in the high mountains, I really like the exterior look of some of the barrows, and other nordic burial sites, so something like that, mixed with some Dwemer influences, perhaps taking parts from my 3 favorite houses, Markarth, Solitude, and Windhelm. When first entering the home, it will be a long tunnel, dimly lit with a campfire and some bandits who have taken up residence in this area of the cave, after killing them you proceed down the tunnel and come to a pair of large double doors which open up into a high ceiling cave gallery, this is where you need to be prepared to fight, two dragons, of fire and ice swoop down from the ceiling or are on the floor sleeping, you must do battle with them both, or if possible, talk them into letting you set up your camp behind their lair. If it's possible to talk to dragons, then I would suggest taking that route to have built in protection from the bandits out front and any future disturbances that might come up, which would hopefully be scripted in. Such as a large bandit raid, or a faction doesn't really like you, and will hunt you down, etc. If you do battle with them, there will be a way to have a friendly dragon take their place as guardian. This could perhaps tie into the game even more by saying this is the dragon you can summon with the shout. After the dragon lair is another tunnel which when upgraded provides adequate lighting. After this tunnel, there will be some puzzles that need to be solved, both Nordic puzzle doors, pillars, and some Dwemer puzzles for good measure.


There will be several levels of this home, weapon rooms, armor rooms, a library, a lab, and kitchen, a forge, mage chambers, a bedroom, a feeding room for vampires and werewolves, a few other rooms I haven't decided on yet, and finally a vault. Each of these rooms will have to be purchased from various locations around the world, just to balance out the fact you've got a dragon guarding your house.


After each purchase, a room or group of rooms will be opened up. I'd like there to be different styles for each room, you could make it look like the architecture of a single city/town, so there would have to be different styles of each room. Or pick the best looking one and go with that, that's to be decided, though I'm partial to Markarths look, I like the Dwemer style so I'll probably go with that. Some rooms should have only one style, no matter what, while others should fit what they represent.


Each specific room will have a function,


Weapon and Armor Rooms: Features stands that will display the weapons and armor for that stand, from the lowest quality to the highest quality. Will need a spot for each weapon, either using the weapon racks that hang on the wall, or the plaques. Mannequins will be there, once for each armor, able to choose which armor is displayed (Enchanted or Unenchanted)


Library: Bookcases, like the ones made for Oblivion they should look full even if there is nothing inside, scroll boxes, lecterns, desks. Everything should look like it has something on it that can't move. Some bookcases will be empty so we can fill them up with our own book collections.


The Lab, Kitchen, Mage Chambers, and Forge: All will contain the proper apparatus for crafting items that they go with, all will have storage for ingredients and components.


Werewolf and Vampire specific rooms: They will both have NPCs in them for feeding. The Werewolf room will feature live prey that will have to be killed, they will re-spawn. The Vampire room will feature NPCs in a permanent state of sleep like Deepscorn Hollow for easy feeding.


The Bedroom: Will start off as a simple room, low class bed, dresser, and some lights. Will be upgradeable until it rivals a Kings bedchamber.


The Vault: Will feature containers for the sorting of rare and unique items, collectibles, etc. Will feature 6 guardians, 2 outside the door, and 4 inside. These guardians will be hire-able NPCs that will have to be found. Will also feature a system where if you don't want to pay mortal people, you have a few other guardian choices. If you are a mage, you can summon either Atronachs or Dremora to guard the room, or a mix of both. Warriors and Thieves will have this option as well by hiring a Mage to do it for them.


Other rooms: TBD



This is really ambitious, so if anyone wants to help, I'd be glad for it. Without help this may take weeks, if not months before it would be ready as I have never done something this big in any Bethesda game. I also can't model or texture, and scripting is very difficult for me to understand so some features will have to be done by others. I've quite likely bitten off more then I can chew, but it's go big or go home with me. I would also like if possible some dragon themed weapons and armor,


I really liked the sword and shield from this mod:




I would like it to be more dragon like though. Use your imagination on it, as long as it's dragon I'm sure I'll like it.


Reference Material:


These are basic model ideas, they will likely have to be updated to Skyrim level detail as well as models.



Filled Bookshelf: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=26175


Filled Alchemy Stuff: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=32783


Filled Mage Desk: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=34770


Weapon Racks: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=13174


Filled Weapon Racks and Armor Display Stands: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=27150


Weapon Racks that are empty until filled: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=13690


Ingredient Jars: http://tesnexus.com/...ile.php?id=3461


Filled Shelf for Scrolls: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=35372


Dragon items I requested in Fallout NV, but could never get to work:








From here:



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The summoner in Frostcrag was for a follower, not a guardian though, so some mechanics would have to be changed, having a mage bind an atronach to your will would be much better I think, it involves a bit more work then simply finding a few atronach leftovers to summon another one with.






Perhaps we can push this even further, and begin the workings of a small city, that will grow with time. We could hire shop keepers, trainers, and other services, we could have a ruling council, representatives of all races that live within the city, if you breed dissent you are exiled never to return. There's a similar idea in my other topic about this in the "Mod Requests" forum, but that's for just a Dark Elven city, maybe both could be done, but this is getting ahead of myself, and I still don't even have the skills needed to do something this big. I can barely script, can't write quests, suck at room layouts, I call myself a modder, but I can barely do anything of the sort.




Edited by Draco856
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Another idea, we could find a way to resurrect dragons with a shout, it would take a dragon soul from your count, and place it back into that dragons body, that dragon would then become friendly and fly off to your new home, new "Call Dragon" shouts would be added with that dragons name, and you can use them just like you use Odahviing. This will of course only work for the named dragons that Alduin resurrected from the dragon mounds, as well as Paarthurnax who will still be able to help you meditate on words of power and will also repair any damaged relations with the Greybeards and keep good terms with the Blades.
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Update on the City idea:


So far, there are a few ideas running around in my head about this:


1. The Dark Elven City - A place for the Dunmer of Morrowind to relocate to, as well as those who feel persecuted and shunned in the Holds of Skyrim, mostly Windhelm.


Ruler(s): The Great Houses of Morrowind, as well as any remnants of the Sixth House, Ash Vampires and such.


Citizenry: Any Dunmer who would like a place to call home where they can do as they wish, worship who they wish, without fear or reprisal from the Nords of Skyrim.


Services: Blacksmiths, Alchemists, Enchanters, General Goods, Trainers, and Healers


Guild Halls: Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and Morang Tong Guildhall, they will have to learn to coexist, perhaps move into a larger questline to help close the animosity between the organizations. There will also be a Mage's Guild, as well as a Fighters Guild. Both will have no connection to the Companions (Fighters) or the College (Mages), they will act and function as they would in the rest of Tamriel, except for the Mage's guild which was abolished, it will be remade here, in secret, Thieves Guild Hall (Only if you lead the guild).


Other Areas: Shrines to the "Good" Daedra of the Tribunal, as well as the "Bad" Daedra and the Nine Divines, each with worshipers, free to do as they wish, and hostility between these groups will be dealt with swiftly and harshly, meaning anyone who attacks or otherwise does a "Major" crime against another group will be exiled into the snow and prevented from returning.




2. The 10th Hold - A city you have complete and total control of


Ruler(s): Chosen by you, a Jarl or Council


Citizenry: Any race, Suspected Thalmor agents will be checked out and either cleared or killed.


Services: Blacksmiths, Alchemists, Enchanters, General Goods, Trainers, and Healers


Guild Halls: Hidden Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, College Outpost, Companion Outpost, Thieves Guild Hall - These areas can only be established if you are the leader of the respective guild


Other Areas: Shrines to the Nine Divines, a Haven for Talos worship, hidden from the Thalmor




3. Dragon Sanctuary - A city built inside the mountain with areas for Dragons to roost in. Extensive quests will be required to get a dragon in each "home", you will either have to defeat them with the Voice, or do a task for them, any dragon that doesn't want to join you will fend for itself, evil dragons are killed and their souls taken.


Ruler(s): The Dragonborn and Odahviing (Paarthurnax as well if he still lives)


Citizenry: Dragons as well as recruit-able Dragonguards, Men and Mer who swear to guard the Dragon Sanctuary with their lives


Services: Blacksmiths, Alchemists, Enchanters, General Goods, Trainers, and Healers. Locations of Words of Power will be available depending on the dragons you recruit.


Guild Halls: Hidden Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, College Outpost, Companion Outpost, Thieves Guild Hall - These areas can only be established if you are the leader of the respective guild. College of the Voice, a place to learn how to speak the Dragon language and form the words into Shouts - Must recruit at least 5 dragons before this can be built. Will be used to train Dragonguards as well as new Dragonborn.


Other Areas: Temple of Talos and Tomb of the Dragonborn - The tomb will contain any and all artifacts related to Talos, quests to find these lost artifacts and bring them to the safety of the city, away from Thalmor desecration. Ritual Area - This is where you will test those who wish to become Dragonborn, each test is designed to push them to their limits, failure here isn't an option, so be sure they are capable before allowing anyone to take the tests. To make someone Dragonborn this way isn't natural and they will be severely weakened afterwords, but the benefits of being able to learn Words of Power more quickly will aid them greatly. Their final test before being allowed to call themselves Dragonborn is to do battle with a dragon you have recruited, they must make the dragon submit to the power of their Voice.





4. A combination of all 3 cities

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Another city idea:


A lost Dwemer city, like Blackreach, it could be buried under several tons of rock and we'd have to hire people to clear it out, and as we clear it out, we are periodicly attacked by Falmer, they kill workers, we then have to go through the process of making the site safe from Falmer attacks, perhaps we can come up with a device to harness a dragon soul to power a magic shield, it would block Falmer from entering by hitting them with fire, ice, and/or lightning when they got close enough. The rest is pretty much the same as the other cities. Still needs to be fleshed out.

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