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It says you entered then left, shows no kick message so you probably just timed out(will show as you have been kicked also on your screen) so would try again tbh.
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  • 4 weeks later...
same as me i created a new account on here too n when i wanted to download a file i click file but sends me back to the top of the page n i download the Nexus Mod Manager but its having trouble singing in i had to uninstall me game to get rid of some old mods n make room for new ones so any help on the file thin?
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I've tried several times, and it just says you've been kicked. no sign in or anything, the message is immediate


I've run into this problem fairly recently. You'll either need to use a different computer (like me), or weather it out. Let's just hope you don't end up like me where waiting is no longer an option because you realize that the chat no longer configures with your computer. :dry:

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