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Dual Wielding


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Just a quick request about dual wielding. Is it possible to make it so that when your character is dual wielding, for both weapons to show on your character's waist when they are unsheathed? It's kind of annoying and strange in my opinion that when you dual wield, there is only one sword or weapon that is sheathed and then when you unsheathe your weapon, the other weapon magically appears out of no where in your characters other hand.... I mean Bethesda really couldn't make it so that your characters are carrying both equipped weapons? There was one time when i had a dagger equipped on the main hand and a sword on the off hand and both weapons appeared on my character's waist when they were unsheathed but i haven't been able to do that again since. Its not that big of a deal but if someone could make this possible it would be nice.
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