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Clips and Mags


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So I've been using M D Wolfe's Fusion and Fuel Rebalance and there's a lot to recommend it, conceptually.


You only reload one fusion cell in the animations, after all, so it makes sense that each fusion cell would hold a certain amount of shots.


The downside to the mod is that it's easy to get filled up with lots of half-empty fusion cells and plasma cartridges clogging up your inventory.


I'd love to see this concept extended to ballistic weapons too. You don't have time to refill a magazine in the middle of battle. You swap in a loaded mag. If you reload early you should have a mag with 3 rounds left in it, not magically add 7 rounds into a half-empty mag.


So, there's a couple of things I'd like to see in an ammo overhaul.


  • Magazine crafting and loading. Craft mags that match the required magazines for your gun (i.e. 10mm mag, drum mag) and load them with rounds turning them into a charge item.
  • *potentially* this could be used to move the magazine itself out of the gun mod slot? Probably not though as that would require guns taking more than one kind of ammo, which I don't think is possible, although it would be cool if your 10mm could take standard and extended mags depending on what you have in your inventory.
  • Mag reloading. Some concepts:
  1. Emptying half-done mags, tanks and cells at a workbench, giving you back an empty mag and the right number of loose bullets or "single charges" of fusion, plasma etc.
  2. Merging half-done mags/cells into filled ones counting the correct number of rounds. i.e. a fusion cell with 12/30 charge remaining and a fusion cell with 25/30 charge remaining will give you a cell with 30/30 and a cell with 7/30.
  3. Core "recharging". A station that takes half-spent fusion cells and returns fully loaded cells after a certain amount of time. Come back to base, load in all your empty or half-done cells/cartridges, pick up the recharged ones you left there last time.
  4. Some way of doing this with fusion cores too?
  • Change weapons to use mags rather than single bullets. Make enemies drop some half-spent and full mags rather than individual rounds.


I know some of this will be doable and will just take work, i.e creating all the new ammo types and updating the guns to use them all. I don't know if some of the other stuff is doable. For instance I don't know if the game can actually return a variable amount of ingredients from a "charge" item depending on how much charge it holds.


Any brave modders want to take a bite at this? It'll be totes immersive!


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