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Less-Psychic Guards


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"Wait, I know you..." the guards say. But they don't try to arrest me unless I talk to them.


How do they know me, anyway? Did someone take my picture? Or, did they say, it was that guy in armor, with the long hair and a beard..." and later, Captain to his guards, "Be on the lookout for everyone in Skyrim! They fit the description!"


Hell, what if they can't even see my face? Unless it's all out in the open, and a guard sees it, or a witness calls the guards right away, I don't see why I should be in any trouble. Unless the guards are psychic, or Sheogorath installed security cameras.


One witness to a crime was a chicken. I know this, because I killed it.


This does not make any sense. Not sure if it's a bug or just stupidity on the dev's part. If this is all working as intended, I request here a mod to fix it.


They boasted their, crimes tracked in each hold thing, but overall, it isn't much of an improvement to the crime and punishment system. If it's even possible, I think someone should make a mod that addresses crime and punishment in a logical manner.


On a similar note, if they can't see your face, they shouldn't know who you are, unles syou wear the same thing all the time. This would be great for starved vampires.

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I wish the guards had more random dialogue options. theres so many times i can hear the sweetroll comment, and when im in full armor too! I think i can handle sweetroll problems on my own thank you very much.


And with covering the face, I think the guards should recognize you only either if your face is showing or you're wearing the same exact things as you were wearing when it happened. Plus, i say there should be wanted posters all over the place with you on it too.

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Well we got No Psychic Guard Mods for Oblivion, so hopefully if the Creation Kit ever appears it will happen for Skyrim. I agree it needs it. Plus I'd also like to see the bounty reduction over time that was implemented in Oblivion, it seems stupid that theres an outstanding warrant forever for the same amount until you either pay it or go to jail.


The guards in Skyrim are like Super Cops with magical crystal balls that can identify and track criminals. Theres an idea Mage Police how cool would that be? They teleport in and arrest you. lol.

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The guards in Skyrim are like Super Cops with magical crystal balls that can identify and track criminals. Theres an idea Mage Police how cool would that be? They teleport in and arrest you. lol.


Thats an awesome idea, or maybe in the guard barracks theres a room of mages that serve almost as a control tower that can recognize you when you enter a city or something like that. Or maybe like a swat guards, if you make a ruckus they send in the mage cops xD

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The guards in Skyrim are like Super Cops with magical crystal balls that can identify and track criminals. Theres an idea Mage Police how cool would that be? They teleport in and arrest you. lol.


Thats an awesome idea, or maybe in the guard barracks theres a room of mages that serve almost as a control tower that can recognize you when you enter a city or something like that. Or maybe like a swat guards, if you make a ruckus they send in the mage cops xD


Well I think you might be getting off track. However if you are mad enough to make it, I'll definately endorse that one. lol.

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I really hope this is made, too. I also can't understand why putting on Dark Brotherhood gear doesn't trigger bigger reactions from anyone, especially after you've completed the questline for it... I've heard maybe one comment from the guards, and it was 'Hail Sithis'. Really? You'd think you'd at least be an awfully big target running around in that gear after the questline is done.


edit: I understand why before that you might not be recognized because a lot of respect for the Dark Brotherhood has been lost, but after that? I don't think so.

Edited by ebsixl
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