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Chenzi's Race Mod


Race Selection Overhaul: Good idea or not?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this Overhaul a good idea?

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I am sure a lot of people are very tired of the very little choices for race selection Im going to try to make a basic race mod which i guess you can call a race selection overhaul but not really sure if that is the proper term each race will have a special addiction or perk aswell as a very special starting item




More Races to choose from

Race Perks and adddictions


Race Choices: (Each race includes a child version so when you start from the beginning it wont mess up)


German (Europeon Cuacasian)

Japanese (Asian)

Irish (Europeon Cuacasian)

Scottish (Europeon Cuacasian)

Russian (Europeon Cuacasian)

Canadian (Europeon Cuacasian)

Korean (Asian)

Vietnamese (Asian)

American (Caucasian Default)

African American (Default)

Hispanic (Default)


and many more to come!


Racial Addictions, Perks, and Abilities: (new Items will need to be added to the game when it is time i might ask for help)((i will not be revealing everything about these addictions and perks just remember racial addictions cannot be cured!!!))((( most of this is not yet thought of but ideas are welcome)))



Russian Addiction/Perk/Ability vodka addiction and 24+ Rad Resistance

Hispanic Addiction/Perk/Ability: Taquilla addiction and 14+ Fire Resistance


many more to be thought of again ideas are welcome just post them into this forum and i will look at your ideas


since i am new to perk making i will be looking up tutorials for these powerful perks


if any of you think this mod i am making is a good idea let me know aswell i want to hear your thoughts my guess is this mod will come out maybe in 4 months or less depends certain things

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I'd stay away from giving racial addictions. It kind of hints at racism, even if every race has one... basically the mod idea doesn't really benefit from that enough to justify possibly pissing people off.


And for different "breeds" of human, Indian and the other middle-eastern peoples are conspicuously absent.


Oh... and "American" is not a race, and neither is Canadian (even if most of them are very light skinned French/Brit stock)


Basically I'd suggest not tying together nationality, ethnicity, and race.


This girl is British: http://www.voice-online.co.uk/sites/default/files/imagecache/285x185/Elizabeth.jpg


This guy is African: http://aka.media.entertainment.sky.com/image/unscaled/2009/12/7/Mugabe-and-the-White-African-09-1.jpg


You see the problem?

Edited by Jeoshua
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Good point i would not want to upset a lot of people even though it is not my intention to. i will forget about making this mod, the only true purpose of that mod was to increase race selection the addictions and perks was a bonus but since so many are thinking its a bad idea im going to stop the mods production.


A little off topic:


in any case can some one tell me if there is such a mod that allows a russian race in the game? because that was another thing i wanted to play as a russian in the game yet i found no mods to exist


why am i after a mod that allows me to play as a russian well its simple i am really into russians i have studied a lot about them and i am learning their language and now i want to roleplay as one

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"Bad Idea?" So far 3/5 of the respondees think it's a good idea and 1 (me) has suggestions to improve the idea.


So I'd say that it's a good idea, if only in need of minor modifications.


How I'd separate out the races is first by "root race" and then by subtype. I would ignore the nationality since it's completely secondary to race in this context. The skin color, hair color, eye color, and body shape would be the final defining characteristics of the subtype)



Nordic (Pale, Blond, Blue Eyed, Tall)

Mediterranean (Tanned, Straight brown hair, Brown Eyes, Medium height)

Eastern (Tanned, Curly black/brown hair, Brown Eyes, Medium height.)



Mongol (Medium tanned, Black Hair, Black Eyes, Stocky)

Central (Pale, Black Hair, Dark eyes, Short)

Southern (Tanned, Black Hair, Dark eyes, Short)



Northern (Lighter Skinned, Curly black hair, Brown/Green eyes, Medium Height)

Central (Medium Dark Skinned, Tight curly black hair, Brown eyes, Tall)

Southern (Dark Skinned, Tight curly black hair, Brown Eyes, Tall)



Northern (Light Red/Tan skinned, Straight black hair, Brown Eyes, Medium Height)

Southern (Dark Red/Brown skinned, Straight/Curly black hair, Brown Eyes, Short stature)

Hispanic [Caucasian + American] (Light Tan skinned, Straight/curly black hair, Brown eyes, Short/Medium stature)


As you can see I lumped Middle Eastern into the Caucasian grouping (they are actually closer to the Caucasus Mountains than the Europeans if you notice). Some groups like the Devangari (dark skinned Southern Indian subcontinent) would require some manual editing of the groups during character selection. But overall it makes more sense than Bethesda's default (Hispanic is not a race actually.


I have the basic groups that bethesda has presented personally tweaked in my game to give them the hair and eye colors they would normally have. I saw one-too-many randomly generated black guys with blue eyes and blond hair and got fed up with it all ;)

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