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Nephilim: The Next Iteration (Development Thread)


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It's been a while since I posted anything so I figured why not give something as a sneak peak...so here is an except for a book that was made for the mod.


Except from 'Dossier: Aengelic Legends'.




These celestial beings closely resemble Aengels in almost every way, except two...they have a consciousness of their own and they are weaker than Aengels. However the interesting thing about a Seraphim is that through Ascension it can become stronger than an Aengel ever could.


And because of their separate consciousness they don't have to take orders from the Divines if they don't desire to.


For this reason alone they have been cast out of Aetherius and fell to Mundus. During 'The Fall' their wings have been burned from their bodies and they were unable to retain their Aengelic nature since their 'Spark of Grace' was burned out of their essence.


Because of this they became known as Fallen Aengels or Daemons. Rumor has it that it is possible to become a Daemon, however no known information supports this theory even the Elder Scrolls do not reveal anything about this possibility. If it were even possible to become a Daemon it still remains an improbability to become a Seraphim.


What little knowledge that I was able to uncover about Daemons mistook them for Daedra which couldn't be any more false. I wonder how much of these legends is actually real and how much of it is falsified to cover up the truth..."


This Legend as well as the Aengelic and Nephilim legends were written out by Septimus before he lost his mind.




TheLordofNyrin Answered.



Will the angelos concept and ascension be a thing for nephilim characters in this new version and if so what perks, downsides, and new oppertunites will be presented to the player? will we be able to interact with some angels or take up quests? Would they just become eternally after you regardless of where you hide? and how would the enclave react to you becoming an angelos? I find the concept of daemons fascinating but its not something I will play. I'd rather stay a holy creature of light. Also, will angelos not be capable of becoming vampires or WWs? (i think i already asked that before). And will angelos have to ascend with the same ritual that a mortal would become a daemon through or would it be something different. and lastly, will it be something the player would have to stumble over to find out or would there be any quest or clues about it other than maybe some notes in septimus signus's lookout? Id much rather the player learn about this by attempting to read an elder scroll when your not supposed to (not main quest events) and that leads them on the right path, essentially a easy way to give people a push in the right direction/start the quest and again, no quest markers, you would need to put two and two together to get to the right place, think a bit, follow the bread crumbs, and listen to the clues, essentially reading the elder scroll is a big clue. Otherwise, they would have to stumble over the notes on the ritual from somewhere, whether its from a hermeus mora cultist, spare notes in septimus's outpost, or buried in the angellic archives.


The Angelos concept will be utilized under the Seraphim name. As for the base of the mod I won't incorporate the Nephilim mod into it (I want it to be standalone) and therefore it will rely on everything that is made for the base mod. Eventually I may make an add-on to allow the Nephilim to utilize the angelos features from the mod but at its base it won't work together. Reason being is that I want this mod to be functional for SSE as well which means I can't have Nephilim involved because its an SKSE dependant mod.


The player will stumble upon the quest line. The quest can begin right away when they find the locked Archives door at the Hall in Sovngarde or by finding the 'Dossier: Aengelic Legends' book inside of the Arcanaeum (I'm changing up the intro to the quest to make it have a less random beginning).


The quest won't hold your hand and many of the clues will be located inside of the Archives through books. When you first find it, the archives will be in a state of lockdown. Once you unlock the archives you'll be able to use the Ascension Chamber for 'The Primary Ascension' and become a Daemon.




erickbs Answered.



what remain to the mod become 100%?(sorry for my bad english)


The mod isn't complete yet. I'm polishing up the quest and improving on some of its weak points at the moment. Besides the polishing I'm doing now I have the powers to create and later the hybrid transformations to create. There is still things needed to make before the mod is ready for release.



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Thank you for the update. As for my own personal note, i won't be even bothering with SSE until SKSE updates to being usable with, I have too many (good) mods that rely on it or SkyUI, which requires SKSE. If SKSE never updates then I will never care about SSE, both as a player and as a modder myself. My own mods require it as well. I should also note that I would like my own mods to be console friendly... eventually... once the bethesda.net gets its act together. While I understand your choice to move forward with separate mods so that SSE will work with them and i find that completely reasonable, I won't look at SSE until SKSE catches up. Hopefully it will or someone will make a fork of it to work with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the new mod, what will you do to distinguish Aengels and Seraphim from Daemons? I'd suggest giving them separate eye and power colors, like for example have Daemons keep the green color you used in Nephilim and give Seraphs a blue or other "holy" looking color.

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the biggest difference could be that daemons have black wings, seraphim in most lore have 6 wings and if they do perhaps you could summon 2 of them in sets in some sort of power release system, maybe another shout or something, and angels could look like nephilim do, considering in the lore thus far it says that nephilim could easily hide among them if they knew how to mask their signatures fairly well. angels could also emit some sort of glow during combat and will always be hostile to you if you are in angel form, regardless if your a nephilim, seraphim or daemon.

Tbh, i would like it more if daemons had the option of black or white hair/eye/wing colors, and are just as beautiful as seraphim and nephilims. If there were customization differences, daemons should be the only ones who get the pure black colors, rather than a darkish or blueish gray at darkest.


as for the glows for your character, more angelic powers in general would always be welcome. an auric glow perhaps for seraphims in the blueish or goldish color you mentioned while daemons could be green or red?

Edited by TheLordofNyrin
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You gotta remember that in Jet's lore Daemons are holy creatures like Aengels, just with a spark of grace rather than the whole shebang. I would hardly expect something with holy essence (grace) to be evil looking unless tainted with something which is unholy, like vampirism. Also gotta keep in mind that Jet's Seraphs aren't the same ones from Christian lore, so I don't personally think they would have six wings. In my opinion they both should look holy, just the Seraphim more holy than the Daemons, since their being is composed of more grace. That is why I suggested that the Daemons should keep the Nephilim colors, as green doesn't really scream holy or unholy in any extreme, just "supernatural", where as Seraphs be given a color that more gets across the 'divine being' message.

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I can agree with that as as far as i can tell jet's daemons are not evil creatures in the slightest like you said, there are other mods for that. xD i was only dropping my two cents into the bucket for ideas regarding customization. Tbh, six wings might look really stupid and have some nasty clipping errors. Thus why i suggested it being a release like shout that only seraphim could learn, also allowing for 2, 4 and 6 wing options. more options hurt no one, well, other than the dev who has to make them x3


on another note, i have left the modding sphere for now as I've recently gained a new job and i don't have spare time to mod while juggling work and school simultaniously and it just feels better for me to wait for SKSE to catch up or a fork be made for SSE before i keep going on mods right now. I hope i can get back into skyrim modding soon, possibly December/January.

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