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Eye (eyeliner?) unevenness


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I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with my character's eyes, and near as I can tell, there's an eyeliner effect on the lower part of the left eye that's not present on the right. Research leads me to believe it's a Racemenu issue, but no fix I've tried has worked. AFAIK, I'm not using any particular texture replacers that might be at fault; I'm using mostly STEP with some other mods added on.




The actual eyeliner value in Racemenu is set to zero, so this is an issue with the actual face or eye textures, near as I can tell. I tried manually adding the femalehead.nif from Enhanced Character Edit (a recommended fix), which didn't appear to affect anything. I can hide the problem by applying black eyeliner to the character, but I hate the look of it and want the character to not have to wear heavy-looking makeup. This is driving me nuts. Can anyone help?

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I've tried a new texture for the face (which I really can't use because it causes the worst neck seam, even when paired with the body texture it supposedly goes with), and the issue is not gone, although the new texture made it less obvious.


The one I tried was the Female Face Retexture by navetsea. I wanted to try some other ones, but I'm extremely uninterested in using a custom body like UNP or CBBE, so that limits my choices.


EDIT: I'm using a setup mostly based on STEP, so I'm using XCE, but disabling that mod and loading my save showed no difference at all.

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if you install CBBE it has its own textures that work great and it even has a tool to fix the neck seam.


I actually really hate CBBE and UNP, but I went ahead and installed CBBE, and it actually made the problem worse. There was thick eyeliner all around the left eye, above and below, but not the right eye, with the eyeliner slider still at 0.

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I found a really strange fix for it... if I overwrite XCE's regular files with the Clean Body optional version, the issue goes away. I'm honestly stumped as to why that is, because uninstalling XCE completely didn't fix it, but I'm not looking it in the mouth.


At any rate: issue resolved.

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