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Character perpetually frowning


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After creating my character, she's always frowning when not in a dialogue cut-scene. Apparently I'm not the only one with this issue, but I'm surprised to only find one thread discussing this (it was on reddit, and had no solution).


I've noticed it in some of the screenshots here. I assume the ones without it were taken during a cut-scene.


I'm not sure if creating a new character will fix it (the thread on reddit implied it wouldn't), but I've played too many hours to start over. Does anyone know if there's a fix for this, here or elsewhere? I've searched quite a bit but perhaps I've missed it. Starting to drive me nuts. :S


Thanks in advance. :smile:

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It's not a bug; working as intended. The expression the Inquisitor (and everyone else, look at them) has while just standing around in the world (outside of Haven/Skyhold) is just meant to be a serious face. I'll grant that this is a bit odd, especially since when you look at everyone in the inventory window they have a neutral expression. The Inquisitor still has this expression even in Haven/Skyhold because you're controlling them.

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Thanks for the reply nightscrawl! I was starting to get that impression after digging through the official forum, though as you said, it seems like a really odd choice. I'm curious if Bioware ever confirmed that it is intentional.


Anyway, thanks again!

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