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Dwarven Mage (Kinda)


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So I'm a really big fan of all things Dwarf. Love the stout folk in all lore. But in all lore you have one thing that is common. Dwarves don't sling spells in the conventional sense. They don't wield a wand, or sling spells. They have runes. There "Mages" are called "Rune Masters" and there spells work in a greatly different way very unique to there race.


I only play DAO with Dwarven GW. I recently came across MerAnne's Dwarven Companions. What would be great is if there was some form of Dwarven Mage. Rune Master's, or Dwarven Priests. You get "Semi" close to a Dwarven Mage with "Dagna" the female Dwarf that wants to study with the circle.


I know that in DAO Lore Dwarves can't do Magic. But Dwarves don't normally wield Magic. At least not like other races.


I'd love to see a Dwarven Rune Master, or a Dwarven Priest. That would be absolutely amazing.

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Does not the All Origins mod let you play as a dwarf mage? I don't remember, seems like it would.


So why do all the dwarfs in the assembly chamber carry staffs? I always thought that odd, as they're the same ones the mages carry.

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