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noob needs help!


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first unpack the Nif file from bsa (meshes) / unpack the dds files / now open in Nifscope (((((((http://scrollstudio.com/forum/Thread-Pre-Creation-Kit-Modding-Tools) download nif.7z )))))) the Hide Bracers Nif , NiTriShape> BSLightingShaderProperty>BSShaderTextureSet there you can change the texture file. when right click on mesh you found textureUVedit (coud be usefull)

(when you unpack more then one file, from the BSA to youre desktop, you get a meshes or a textures folder. place the prisoners cuff dds files to Data/textures/clothes/......


So you´ll need: FOMM (BSAUnpacker) ;

Nifscope and the nif.7z just copy and pase the file to C:\Program Files (x86)\NifTools\NifSkope, so you can open the nif´s you have extacted


hope that help



Sry for english, i´m german

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first unpack the Nif file from bsa (meshes) / unpack the dds files / now open in Nifscope (((((((http://scrollstudio.com/forum/Thread-Pre-Creation-Kit-Modding-Tools) download nif.7z )))))) the Hide Bracers Nif , NiTriShape> BSLightingShaderProperty>BSShaderTextureSet there you can change the texture file. when right click on mesh you found textureUVedit (coud be usefull)

(when you unpack more then one file, from the BSA to youre desktop, you get a meshes or a textures folder. place the prisoners cuff dds files to Data/textures/clothes/......


So you´ll need: FOMM (BSAUnpacker) ;

Nifscope and the nif.7z just copy and pase the file to C:\Program Files (x86)\NifTools\NifSkope, so you can open the nif´s you have extacted


hope that help



Sry for english, i´m german

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