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Character Shaking and Bouncing When Walking on Certain Surfaces


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So ive recently been installing some lighting overhauls and some enb mods, and also fiddling with some other general improvements. Recently however, ive come across a bug that causes my character to erratically wobble when walking over certain surfaces (usually brick roads or small stones in streams). At the moment im under the impression that it could be something to do with unique grasses or the flora overhaul since this alters the meshes of some surfaces ie: rocks. The way the character walks makes it seem as if hes walking over every rock or pebble with anti gravity powers so one minute he'll be standing upright the next he'll be on a 45 degree angle. Im currently going through my load order and trying to find the culprit but i would appreciate any help i could get. Thanks in advance.

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Are you using any first person camera mods? Like Immersive First Person View? unique grasses and flora overhaul are not the problem for sure.

Im not using any camera mods no, ive gone through loot as well and nothing is conflicting. It said a couple of soundtrack mods added meshes too but i disabled them and the problem still persists.

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You know maybe is normal that the rocks on the road give that effect have you tried doing the same things in Vanilla skyrim?

I dont believe it is normal since the character literally stands on the rock like it has its own gravitational field. Let me try get a screenshot.

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