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Custom NPCs Not Spawning


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Hey guys, I'll like some help troubleshooting a problem in my mod. I've edited the flare gun quest so when the player uses the flare gun it spawns the custom NPCs which I've made instead of the minutemen. Using the flare gun also makes them the player's companions.

The problem is, it doesn't work the second time. On the first time it works as it should, launch the flare and the four NPCs spawn near you in a couple seconds. The second time, lets say the player dismisses the squad and tries to call them again later on, they don't spawn. It doesn't work either when I try using the console and calling the quest through set stage.


Perhaps this is also related--the NPCs don't dismiss to the location you specify. They will get dismissed but they always return to the same old location--at the middle of the main road in Sanctuary Hills. Dismiss location under CompanionActorScript is set to something different but still.


Only way this part of the mods works is in conjunction with Unlimited Companion Framework. I haven't seen any compatibility issues.


I'm missing something and I don't know what it is. Any guesses what I can try to resolve this? Thanks a lot.


I've included some screenshots of the mod settings in the CK along with a screenshot of the edited script the mod is using and the original MinFlareGunQuestScript in code.







Scriptname MinFlareGunQuestScript extends Quest

ReferenceAlias Property Workshop01 Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property Flare Auto Const
WorkshopParentScript Property WorkshopParent auto const

ReferenceAlias[] Property MarkerAliases Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property MinutemanLeader Auto Const
RefCollectionAlias Property Minutemen Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property MinutemanDog Auto Const

GlobalVariable Property MinFlareGunCooldown auto const
{ set to next time flare gun can be used }

Activator Property MinFlareGunProjectileShooter auto const

int minMarkerDistance = 4000 const ; minimum distance of marker to start Minutemen at
int minFlareHeight = 500 const ; minimum height above player for flare to count as signal
float cooldownDays = 0.4 const ; a bit more than 8 hours of gametime between times when you can use flare gun

float minFlareResponseDays = 0.05 const
float maxFlareResponseDays = 0.1 const

bool minutemenResponded = false

function Initialize()
	; is flare high enough above player to count as "flare"?
	; NOTE - yes this means flares won't work when fired horizontally from the tops of tall buildings...
	ObjectReference flareRef = Flare.GetRef()
	float height = flareRef.GetPositionZ() - Game.GetPlayer().GetPositionZ()
	debug.trace(self + " Flare height = " + height)
	if height < minFlareHeight
		; run short timer, then stop
		minutemenResponded = true

		; figure out where to place Minutemen, and how many to enable
		; first in array is closest, work your way down
		int i = 0
		bool foundMarker = false
		while i < MarkerAliases.Length && foundMarker == false
			ObjectReference marker = MarkerAliases[i].GetRef()
			if marker && marker.GetDistance(Game.GetPlayer()) > minMarkerDistance && Game.GetPlayer().HasDirectLOS(marker) == false && Game.GetPlayer().HasDetectionLOS(marker) == false
				foundMarker = true
				debug.trace(self + " found valid marker " + marker + " (distance=" + marker.GetDistance(game.Getplayer()) + ")")
				; move Minutemen here
				debug.trace(self + " skipping marker " + marker + " (distance=" + marker.GetDistance(game.Getplayer()) + ")")
			i += 1

		; enable the minutemen
		; how many others?
		ObjectReference workshopRef = Workshop01.GetRef()
		; get population of workshop settlement
		float population = workshopRef.GetValue(WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatings[WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatingPopulation].resourceValue) as int
		; max is +1 per 3 population:
		int populationBonus = Math.Ceiling(population/3.0)
		debug.trace(self + " population=" + population + ", bonus=" + populationBonus)
		int minCount = 1
		int maxCount = 1 + populationBonus
		int actualCount = Utility.RandomInt(minCount, maxCount)
		debug.trace(self + " actual count=" + actualCount)
		if actualCount >= Minutemen.GetCount()
			i = 0
			while i < actualCount
				i += 1

		; random wait
		StartTimerGameTime(utility.RandomFloat(minFlareResponseDays, maxFlareResponseDays))

Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTimerID)
	debug.trace(self + " start timer expired")
	if minutemenResponded
		; if leader not too close, fire flare
		ObjectReference leader = MinutemanLeader.GetRef()
		if leader.GetDistance(Game.GetPlayer()) > minMarkerDistance
			debug.trace(self + " leader is far enough away - fire flare")
		debug.trace(self + " no one responding, stop quest")

function Shutdown()
	; set next available time global to current time + cooldownDays
	if minutemenResponded
		MinFlareGunCooldown.SetValue(Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() + cooldownDays)
Edited by Nutulator
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I got an idea, perhaps the reset quest function will work. I'm not exactly good at coding so can someone be kind enough to tell me what lines of code would go where?




Well that narrows it down, through sqv I found out the last stage wasn't ending the quest, it kept running on stage 1000 and never changed. kmyQuest.Shutdown() didn't work, huh. Now I need something to actually end it.... what could that be?

Edited by Nutulator
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