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Making my own little mod and saves manager


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So being bored on the holidays I started making my own skyrim mod and save file manager, and I'm here for a little help as well as looking for suggestions.


What its got so far:

- extracts and installs zip and rar mods into skyrim folder. I have tried with a few 'just extract to here' mods such as Enhanced Night Sky and time in loading screen, all successful

- ability to disable and delete the above mods installed by the manager

- the ability to separate different character save files into different folders and able to switch between them. I've seen a few managers that do this and added the functionality, but does anyone actually use these kind of things often?

- save all current save files into a zip file for backup and archiving

- a button that disables and enables the Bethesda logo intro


Being new to programming and modding, I have a few questions. First, with mods that require enabling them in the launching such as Lost Art of the Blacksmith use esm and esp files that can be copied into the data folder and skyrim seems to detect them. But how is the launcher information stored, such as what files are enabled and disabled? Is it some text file I can alter to switch these files on and off to keep the ability to toggle the mods?


Second, I'm using python as its the language I know the most. A lot of mods are compressed in the .7z format, and I am having trouble finding a way to get python to extract these files. Does anyone know of a library that lets python extract these files or gets python to tell the default program to do it?


And lastly, any suggestions? Any must have features? Note that I can not add a 'browse addons and download them' like the NMM as I assume there would be both technical and legal hassles accessing a decent database of mods


Thanks in advance :)

Edited by spleenhunter
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