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Weird yet random dragon spawn you ever encountered


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I was fighting some bandits when I heard the dragon land tried to turn around to see where and got the scene where it eats you (seriously those elder dragons are a pain in the ass). Totally not fun I had to reload and noticed I forgot to quicksave so i endend up running all the way back.
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It must be related to the main quest, my main char is now level 30 and I had extremely few random dragons, and even fewer really landing and fighting... most fun was one landing during the quest where you have to burn the bee nests, it was like crazy everyone vs everyone, I picked off the mercs, the dragon picked on them too and it was quite fun, considering I had an important quest to do, and then a dragon interrupts it ^^ Thinking about it is fun, but it would not be fun if the dragon broke the quest, which seems to happen far too often. Edited by domanz
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