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some males have female genitals - Mod issue.


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This is really weird. I have almost 3900 hours playing Skyrim using all kinds of mods. I have observed several types of weird behavior from NPCs such as the time all the females in Whiterun moved into Dragonborn Hall and ran around naked. Had a hell of a time getting some type of order.


But this one is very strange. Many, not all mind you, but many of the males such as guards, but also others have pussies where a nice schlong is supposed to be located. I am of course running SOS, X32 Max Skeleton Extender and several other mods. Most of my mods deal with females. I am not running any mods that I have not run before, so this is very perplexing to me. I would appreciate any ideas anyone may have as to why this is happening and what might be done about about.


It is pretty funny actually to see these big muscular "men" and then find out they have a pussy where they should have a dick. :-)


Thanks y'all,





Edited by tonyb56586
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