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darkjediknight13 - BANNED

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darkjediknight13 banned.


second account to bypass a banned account to come back and complain in the open forums about site policy.

You guys are way too heavy-handed in how you handle people that ask questions in your chat. I'm guessing all of you were a bunch of geeks and nerds that were kicked, bullied and pushed around in school. Either that, or you were the big man on campus, doing all the nerd/geek hazing. Guess what? SCHOOL'S OVER!

All I wanted to do is find out about a friend who was banned from your site and hopefully smooth it over to get him reinstated. But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You boot me and are probaly going to ban me for trying to help my friend. This poor guy has a low enough self-esteem as it is and you treat everyone like garbage that wants answers.

Why do you people do what you do? REALLY? where do you get off doing that?

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