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Help needed to convert an armor to outfit studio


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Hi there ! As the title says i'm actually trying to get this armor working with my Bobyslide preset and i'm encountering some problems.

I followed the guide to use outfit studio, but it seems like the meshes ar uncompatible or maybe i did somthing wrong because i got clipping with bresats and buttocks and some part of the armor are separated from the body.

So i'm asking you if there is a kind person to help me getting this working or maybe, explaining me how to manage this.


Thank you



ps : Sorry if my english is bad.

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Making Body Slide Presets work is not easy but u can try when you are inside outfit studio set one slider at the time to a value 20% higher then your body preset so that clipping will be reduced the process may take a while (i normally take 1 to 2 hours to make a preset that works with every bodyslide preset).

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Actually the problem is not to use outfit studio but that the armor is kinda glitched and separated in multiple pieces when i open it with outfit studio.

Ah ok, some armors cannot be converted with outfit studio some say its a bug but it just seems like they are just not compatible you will need another tool to modify the outfit i don't know what else to say I had the same problem once as well. I don't know about other tools that can modify Outfits or if there is a way to fix the problem :confused: . Maybe someone else might be able to help you.

Edited by Project579
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