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smaller meat objects to make contraptions easier to manage


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im sure that everyone has tried to work with the DLC to make certain objects. one of the things i have worked on is a meat grinder for the various cages within the dlc. one of the most frustating things i have run into is how f*#@ing massive the pieces of meat from the various creatures can be. especially humans. there is not a single piece of meat that f*#@ing massive on the human body.


with the conveyors and such that i have found on the nexus i have been able to for the most part work around the issue of the giant pieces of meat from the various creatures. but again a one pound piece of meat should not look like it is the thigh of an elephant but it is simply descibed "Human meat". heck even if i could just get a machine to can the human meat into manageable pieces it would be great.


im sure everyone has seen a one pound chunk of meat at a supermarket and know how small it is. if someone could make all the meat sizes make freaking sense i would be very grateful.

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