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No Fallut 4 INI File


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There are other files involved in pirated versions, but I would rather not continue discussing piracy, if for no other reason than to avoid going further off topic than we already have. As for scaring people, that's why I clarified myself; I didn't want to scare him, I just wanted to answer his question. I apologize if I did in fact scare you, OP, because it wasn't my intent.


Getting back on track, check your Fallout 4 directory and make sure you have the reference config files. If you don't, reinstall the game, delete the config files in Documents\My Games\Fallout 4, and launch the game once to generate new, unmodified files. NMM should have no trouble finding them after that. If you do have the files in your directory, however, skip the reinstallation and go straight to generating new config files. You should have them if you were able to launch the game, unless you didn't delete the config files after your first time reinstalling. Even then, I can't imagine why Steam wouldn't install the reference files with everything else; I've had to reinstall a couple times myself, and it definitely never left those out. Sidenote: do yourself a favor and don't modify those files, because the only time they're used is when the game has to generate new ones. That's actually why I had to reinstall one of those times.

Edited by Tukster
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As far as non-Steam versions of Fallout 4, the only version that does not use Steam is the pirated version, which I hope for your sake you aren't using because it's against the rules here (for very obvious reasons) and I'm pretty sure it's grounds for a ban.

Nope, i'm using the steam one. I just wasn't aware this is the only legal version, and that was just something I seem to recall reading somewhere. I had assumed there were other ways of obtaining it, such as the afore mentioned GoG, or possibly (doubtedly) Origin, or even that a hard copy could have just been unaffiliated with steam and just updated directly from the site itself like the days of old.



In the location "Documents\My Games\Fallout 4", there is the Fallout4.INI, and in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4" I did locate Fallout4_Default.INI. They seem to be there.


Fallout4 itself seems to run fine. NMM just isn't finding the .INI file. It finds the game just fine.



I apologize if I did in fact scare you, OP, because it wasn't my intent.

No worries. I'm not easy to scare.

So the next step is to delete those two files and have it regenerate them? I'll give it a shot after work today.

Edited by Valykry
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If you've done a lot of config tweaks (both of mine are like Frankenstein monsters at this point) you could also just move them somewhere else, and if NMM still isn't able to detect completely fresh unmodified config files you could just move them back. If that's the case, I'd say it's a problem with NMM itself and not Fallout 4, and I would suggest reinstalling NMM.

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No, no config tweaks yet. It's essentially a clean install so far. Now steam is telling me there's no INI file once I removed it, and won't run fallout without it, so I'm putting it back. (also note that I tried running fallout4.exe as administrator without the ini. No change.) Now fallout runs again, and going on the assumption that it was a bad NMM install, I removed it, re-downloaded it, and reinstalled it. And again, NMM finds the game just fine, but cannot locate the INI.



*sigh*... Despite the fact it SAYS it's looking for "Fallout4.ini", it's apparently REALLY looking for "Fallout4Custom.ini"...

I created it and it seems to be good to go now.

Now whether the mods themselves work may be another issue, but the INI problem seems to be solved.

Edited by Valykry
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Did you run the default launcher before trying Fallout4.exe? Running the launcher is what generates new config files, not the game itself (that's my bad for not mentioning that before). It doesn't matter now, but it's worth knowing for the future. I never even considered the fact that it was looking for Fallout4Custom; I thought NMM generated that file on its own, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I'm glad you figured it out, even though I wasn't able to offer much help. I'll keep this thread in mind in case I see anyone else suffer from this issue.
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It would have been nice if it SAID it was looking for Fallout4Custom.ini. Most of this could have been avoided. It was essentially a hunch I decided to play that ended up working. I thought that was a step that came later, so it never crossed my mind until now.


Thanks for trying. Next time you see this issue you'll have one more idea to pass along.

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