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Hi just wondering if anyone has a .blend file with the human character skeleton (armature) in it they could shoot my way. I'm having a few issues with my rig and I can't pinpoint them in outfit studio. I've tried a couple of methods to get the skeleton into blender but the bone orientation and scaling is always way off. Anyway if anyone can help that would be great.

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The skeleton imports fine for me into Blender, Rotten core. As a FO3 nif file.


If you are trying to import an obj you haev exported from Outfit Studio, then try importing it (or modifying it after you've imported it), with the inverse values of the ones that you should use for exporting and obj: http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout_4._Part_4#Export_OBJ :smile:

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ok I've reinstalled 2.49 and set up all the nifskripts. What exactly do you do the skeleton.nif to make it a fallout 3 .nif so it can be imported?


ok I've fixed my bad rigging is OS, a nights sleep and a cup of coffee got me thinking along the right lines.

I'd still like to have the armature in a blend file for checking things now and then but it's no longer urgent.

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You have to use another tool to convert it. Either 3ds max and then the workflow would be:


Import process

* Fallout 4 nif file -> 3ds Max -> Fallout 3 nif file -> Blender


Work in Blender

* Create meshes

* Create UV maps

* Add weights to the meshes


Export process

* Blender -> Fallout 3 nif file -> 3ds max -> Fallout 4 nif file -> NifSkope -> Fallout 4 nif file (fixed)


Or Outfit Studio and then the workflow would be:


Import process

* Fallout 4 nif file -> Outfit Studio -> OBJ file -> Blender


Work in Blender

* Create meshes

* Create UV maps (don't add weights in Blender as you will loose all of them when exporting the mesh as OBJ)


Export process I

* Blender -> OBJ file -> Outfit Studio


Work in Outfit Studio

* Add weights to the meshes

* Build skin partition


Export process II

* Outfit Studio -> Fallout 4 nif file -> NifSkope -> Fallout 4 nif file (fixed, if required)





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