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Can't access perk menu


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I can't access the perk menu again, it just disappeared from the 4 choice menu. Here is the screenshot : http://i.imgur.com/VwAaNMN.jpg

It happened after I installed conjuration madness, apocalypse, and ordinator perks overhaul, and now even uninstalling them doesn't solve the problem, it stays. Can somebody help ?

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I indeed did not install it. I downloaded it for later and stored it in a safe place, and deleted it because I didn't want it, but I never installed it, and yet after your answer I checked the files and I had some of enderal's files in my skyrim folder, I deleted them, and the problem is still there, so I guess Enderal has somehow overwritten a vanilla file, now I don't know which one.


And since I'm not home ( out for 2 weeks and my internet connection here really sucks ) I can't really download enderal ( it would take a whole day ), and I can't find the enderal installer alone ( without all the data files, so the installer shouldn't weight to much ).


What would you recommend then ?

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  • You may try a selective loading : untick 50% of your mods, beginning by the end of your load order and test in game. Then depending on if the problem occurs again or not, increase /decrease the remaining loading mods to find the culprit.
  • If you have installed more than one perk overhaul, you may have conflicts : if above doesn't work, repeat the process starting a new game.
  • Make sure you're using the good mods >> Dangerous mods list.


Good luck.

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the only easy thing i can think of would be to verify the game cache with steam. if you had the launcher (which you can get on it's own here http://enderal.com/) it MIGHT be able to remove everything related to enderal and restore it to vanilla, but it also might not. really just straight reinstalling skyrim/your mods is the only sure way i can think of to fix it. if you can wait two weeks and play something else that's probably what i'd do since i don't know what files got replaced, and what mods might fix it/if any mods would actually touch that.

Edited by Madzookeeper
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