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3 Ideas: Staves, Masks, and Kungfu Blocking


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Things I'd like to see, that seem possible with my limited/nonexistent knowledge of modding:


1) Fighting Staves (or make it pointy and have a spear!)

-Beth really screwed this up...again. I really miss being able to hit things with a long wooden stick.

-How? Make it work like a bow. Equipping it takes up 2 hands. Left click attacks out with it. Right click fires the spell. Or hell, just ditch the spell. Mage with a 2-handed spec anyone?

-Future? Lower the power of spells cast, but make unlimited. Maybe make different ranks to fit in with the others. Or use Wood Types (Pine, Walnut, Oak, Holly, Willow, Blackthorn).


2) Masks (I really hate em.)

-The Dragon priest masks, and the mask of clavicus vile. On a female..... just UGH. I spent a long time getting that face perfect, why cover it up. (And why oh why does Morokei have to be so good, but make me look like a creepy sex offender?)

- Idea one: Masquerade style mask replacements. Make them a bit more feminine/don't cover the whole face. Especially Clavicus, I'm not playing TES: Rocky Horror Picture Show.

- Idea two: Or just make them invisible.


3) Beef up unarmed attacks.

- Saw the sneak attack booster on unarmed mod. Love it! (Now if only it silently grabbed the guy's head and snapped the neck.)

- The idea: Along with above, and maybe a way to rank up attack power, I'd like to see blocking when unarmed. Maybe using both l-click and r-click at once, like your going to dual cast.


So those are my idea, what do you think? Possible?

Edited by LancerChronics
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