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Apparel affects spell casting probablitly


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i am now at Level 22 with 45 Conjuration. Up until now, every time I would cast a Flame Atronarch one would appear. Now I find that spells are failing 3 times out of 10. If I put on some Dark Brotherhood armor, or even other light armor, the failure rate goes up to as much as 5 times in 10. I have not found any info on spells actually failing. Any ideas?
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Does it actually give a message or the atronach simply doesn't appear?


I was under the impression that all probability had been removed from the game. There is no longer a luck stat, and I have as of yet never had a spell, enchantment, or smith fail to work. I think it detracts from the game, but that is neither here nor there. I am guessing you just have a glitch.

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Does it actually give a message or the atronach simply doesn't appear?


I was under the impression that all probability had been removed from the game. There is no longer a luck stat, and I have as of yet never had a spell, enchantment, or smith fail to work. I think it detracts from the game, but that is neither here nor there. I am guessing you just have a glitch.

No message. Just nothing appears. On the good side, at least no magica is used when this happens. However, when I'm running for my life, I'd prefer to not to retry casting a spell! I'll see if it happens in an older saved game. I'll act on your suggestion, and re-install the game.

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Figured it out! It is a glitch in the Atronarch Stone that is noted other places. When you conjure there is a good chance the spell will be absorbed instead of occurring. This actually improves your magica substantially, but makes the spells unreliable. I hope they fix this in the patch. I think I'll try the Lord Stone until then.
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