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Radial/focal point blur with ATI card???


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So, I switched graphics card the other day from a nvidia GTX260 to a radion R6950


on my nvidia card I had no issue with this blur so I believe it is related to the ati card


Anyhow, I have some blur effect going that at the very center of my screen (around my cross hairs) the graphics are clean. going out from there it is so blurred it is giving me a headache.

It is almost like it is trying to push out a 3d signal to my TV. It is not a 3D tv/monitor at all. I am at a loss as to what is going on, it is probably some command you can put in but I have no idea where to start.






Anyone have any thoughts?

Is this the reason for the extra 200 dollar price tag on Nvidia cards.. because they actually work right? (not trying to start an nvidia vs ati rant here)

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