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dual sheath redux HELP


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Please help i dont no if this is the right place to post this but i dont know what to do i have dual sheath redux installed via NMM along with all of its required and recommended mods but when i go to my data folder to run the skyproc patch it gets to 100% says done importing below the load bar then an error message comes up that says "there was an error exporting the custom patch. (files\tmp.esp (the system cannot find the path specified)" and says to contact the mod author. also I tried to skip that step and go to the next which is changing the FNIS settings and when I try to do that I also get an error that says ERROR(5): Access to path 'C:\program files (x86)\R.G. Mechanics\Skyrim - Legendary Edition\data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_users\temporary_logs\GenerateFNIS_logfile.txt is denied

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Thats what happens when you install a game in restricted environment [next time try installing Skyrim outside of programs (in "my documents" for example)] launch dual sheath redux as administrator same for FNIS.

Edited by Project579
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Why would fnis try to check files in C:\program files (x86)\R.G. Mechanics\Skyrim - Legendary Edition\data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_users\temporary_logs\GenerateFNIS_logfile.txt if you didn't install skyrim in that folder? Maybe you change something in fnis?

Edited by Project579
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