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Need Help for Flickering Lights Bug


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I just suddenly got into modding skyrim which i've had for a couple years and had beaten on vanilla. So i researched a whole bunch of mods and made myself a huge mod list to add to my game. I was going through the process of manually instaling the mods and launching my game every now and then to see if everything worked correctly. After having found bugs and having found fixes for them i stumbled upon this game breaking one that would prevent me from playing the game altogether. When i wasnt inside a building, the world's lights would begin to flicker and my fps would be reduced to 1 or 2.


The same thing is happening to this guy : https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/613936039397984260/


This is the Problem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zU9FoAfOmM


Also my ENB Preset is Fantasy from ENB.

Edited by DragonRider87
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