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Spell sorter?


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I have been looking far and wide but can't seem to find anything like this....


With Darn UI you can close the inventory tabs so the inventory becomes less crowded (or just switch to an Icon view as well). Also you can sort your inventory alphabetically or by weight etc.

What i am looking for is something that enables this for spells as well. The reason being that so many mods add "configuration" spells which really clutter up the spell screen with lesser/greater powers you only really have to use once at the start of the game. While it is nice to have them if you want to reconfigure something i have yet to find a way to hide them away so i can get at my real spells more effectively.


Yes i know i can use BASH to sort them by name, but that would still have them in full view and crowd the spell screen with spells i really do not use or need on a daily or even weekly basis.


So i guess what i am looking for is something like the Quest Log Manager by TheNiceOne, just for spells in that you can hide them from the lists but access them when needed.


Anybody know something like this or able to make it?

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Thank you very much for the suggestions, no idea how i overlooked those when i was searching pretty intensely the past two days ;)


I found another one, but this one needs Midas Magic:




will try them out and see which ones work best. Still would like to have more of a "hiding" feature though, because the delete/copy method probably means that on reloading i will simply get added another of the spells in some cases (as some scripts add the config spells if you don't have them already and check on each reload...)


Maybe even just an additional tab where you can shun the less used ones, so they don't clutter the "normal" attack/defense lists would be nice.

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