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Restarting a Failed Quest?


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Hi All


Today I was checking my finished quests list and I realised that one of my sweep jobs of Thieves Guild was failed (Clear Jala's house in Solitude of valuables). It says, "As I was arrested during this quest it failed". Probably this quest was active and unfinished in my quests list during "The Forsworn Conspiracy" quest and when I was arrested as the result of this quest (my only arrest throughout the game) my sweep job was failed. I want to learn if it is somehow possible to reset and restart this quest or not.



Edited by murat guler
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Try one of those command you will need the quest ID (google the name of the quest to find all the details):

getstage <QuestID> Used to get the current quest stage for quest (use ShowQuestTargets for IDs).

resetquest <QuestID> Completely resets the given quest.

SetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <stage> <1 to set, 0 to unset> Used to set the quest stage as being completed or uncompleted.

setstage <quest id> <stage value> Used to set the quest stage (Useful for bugged quests).

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Is it possible that using console commands to reset a failed quest creates unstability or CTD. This possiblity really scares me because my previous Skyrim game was full of technical issues and CTDs so I had to abandon the game at level 27 (using lots of command keys + bad modding + a lower end PC). However in my current game my char is at level 50 and haven't experienced a technical issue so far.

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