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Dragon companion


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It'd be well cool to have a dragon fly around after you and help out in fights, it shouldn't be that hard though you just need to a dragon into a friendly then set up a companion option :D Thanks!





There is a shout you get towards the end of the game where Odahviing will come to your aid and help you fight off enemies. He doesn't stay permanently, but he does hover around for quite a good while before leaving.

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I've been messing around with this sort of thing and so far I've gotten pretty close to getting a dragon companion that'll follow you around. The problem I'm having is getting the factions sorted out with the bats I'm using(from the Creature & NPC Control Console mod). I can get a dragon to be a companion, however just using those bats it's still hostile toward my character. So I lowered it's aggression(setav aggression 0) and got it to stop attacking me, but it still would attack/be attacked by guards. So I removed the dragon faction, but then it won't attack anything and nothing will attack it. If I can find Odahviing's faction, maybe that'll work, but I'm not sure which one it is. Nothing with Odahviing's name comes up when entering "help faction 0" into the console. Edited by snackynak
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Id rather see a baby dragon ~1/5 the size created as a companion after a lengthy quest. :rolleyes:


Edited by TheSuey
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