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trying to get cbbe tots to bounce


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Alright so ive got cbbe, XPMSE, ALSL body and all the stuff vital to make the tots jiggly,im trying get it to work with dragon bone bikini but when i equip, nips are massive and just plain gross to look at ,lol

Im relatively new to modding and im lookin fot help on this any ideas ??

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You need Bodyslide: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015 to make the armor fit download from the mod page:


CBBE HDT Meshes for Dragon Bone Bikini


Dragonbone Bikini CBBE HDT Bodyslide 2 Files


Then download BodySlide and open it.


Click on the magnifying grass on the center box, click "Choose groups...." select: "CBBE Bodies" and "Dragonbone Bikini CBBE" then press "OK" and click on "Batch Build..." in the bottom left corner of Bodyslide select everything other than "CBBE Body", "CBBE Body BBP", "CBBE Body TBBP": then press "Build", it's going to ask what armor you want select the ones you like (i selected the non classic version).

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