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uninstalled breezehome mod now no floor under fire


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Please help. I installed the breezehome most popular mod, I think it called breezehome updateable. Anyway after cleaning out the house and saving and then uninstalling the mod, I come home to no floor under the fire in the middle of the room. So I go to the jarl and buy the kitchen and I go home and now I have the fire but still no floor. I think everything else is fine I just need a computer command to put my floor back in. If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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You cannot put the floor back using console i think you bugged it out there is a reason on why you should never remove mods MidGame. The mod BreezeHome Upgradable probably removed the Vanilla floor to replace it with its own and when you removed the mod the floor disappeared.

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Next time you should read the instructions before removing a mod. On the mod page it's clearly written:


1) Make sure you buy back the original Kitchen upgrade from the steward or you'll have a big hole in your living room.

Of course you need to do this before uninstalling the mod.


As already stated, the floor is gone and there's no way to bring it back with console. But you can install another mod that adds a floor.


So I made a small .esp file for you that does exactly this: http://www.file-upload.net/download-11882326/BreezehomeFirepitFloor.rar.html


I may also point you to the Breezehome mod in my sig. It replaces the original floor and removes the firepit. Can be uninstalled without problems.


Happy gaming.

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