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Most realistic textures and mesh


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This guide is good: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373 try using as more Parallax textures as you can.

This ENB is good and has a guide with textures perfect for beginners: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73661

If you are on Win10 don't dowload 4k textures because you are going to fill your VRam (that is limited at 4064MB on Win10/Win8/Win8.1) on Win7 if you have a GPU with more than 4GB of dedicated VRam then you can go with 4k textures.


And read those before doing anything:




Edited by Project579
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So eventhough my GPU has 8GB of dedicated VRAM Windows 10 limits it to 4GB? That seems strange since it's a DX12 card.


EDIT: Just invesigated further and used a tool which tests VRAM availability for DX9 games and you're right it is only 4GB which is horrid and I am surprised it isn't fixed yet. Thanks for letting me know and the information about textures and ENBs.

Edited by Krytern
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