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Beothiah Champion Quest, can I ressurect my friend after sacrafice?


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I recently tried to mission with Lydia as my sacrifice and after the mission her body was missing from Beothiah's statue, then when I did the move.playerto command I got transported to Lydia but it was the basic Lydia NPC and she didn't have any of my stuff. Is there a way around this issue by sacrificing Lydia and still getting her back with all her equipment and loot?
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The alternative to that I used was I used the merc from Windhelm as a sacrifice. After I completed the mission and returned back to Beothiah's shrine, I saw his dead body still on the ground (unlike my other situation with Lydia where her body disappeared and only reappeared back at Whiterun but she lost all her stuff). So I dragged him out of the circle and resurrected him, he became normal and was happy with me and he left back to Windhelm.
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Heh, all of you who just took an irreplaceable companion, you should have just got a worthless Dark Brotherhood Initiate to be the sacrifice. They work well once you remove the essential flag from them.
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hmm ty for the response, personally I'm not really into the dark brotherhood, I would've preferred an assassination guild that wasn't some Daedra's puppet; so I can't really go with the dark brotherhood initiate as my sacrifice. I just used the merc from Windhelm and then did the mission and came back, his body was still there so I resurrected him. He was back to normal.
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