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A crapfest of bugs


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EDIT: Mod list below.


Ok, so... Combat Tweaks and other related bugs... I'll do some more testing and later today, if my testing fails, I'll post my mod list (I'm at work and it would be utterly impossible to memorize them), but so far:


Combat Tweaks:

- Paralyze runes, of whatever rank, always paralyze the opponent. With. Every. Single. Hit.

- Frost weapons works on 'Mouse' in his bear form during the Mage origins, dealing a consistent +5 blue damage. After that, I don't remember ever seeing it trigger, and, of course, have never, ever frozen an opponent with it.

- Telekinetic weapons, on the other hand, always knock the opponent down.

- Flaming weapons never deal the occasional promised +20 fire damage.

- I've been recently having constant crashes, and have reinstalled twice already, alternating between 1.05 and 1.04, and with and without IA's fixpack. The only thing I can think of that is creating this bug is a yet unidentified Sword and Shield ability (first time using them), because it always occurs during combat. So tonight I'll try using a 2h warrior to see if the crashing stops. If that fails, I'll be completely out of ideas and will be forced to post a detailed list of all my mods here (huge).



- Without the fixpack, Merrill (Dalish Origin) and Fergus Cousland (ultimate sacrifice ending of human origin) are naked. With the fixpack, Lanaya and Velanna are bodyless. I was instructed by BWUser to look for the files (ntb100cr_lanaya.utc, gxa000fl_velanna.utc), to check if they were in the right folder and to look for duplicates. No duplicates found (this solution once worked for me regarding a faceless Anora), and the files were in the right folders.

- Maybe not precisely a bug, but I wanted to remove the changes that IA does to the stats of Awakening weapons and armor. I found a folder called something like item stats/for awakening/weapons and armor/ and deleted everything there. Voive of Velvet reverted to back its own vanilla, kick-ass self, but items like Stormchaser Gauntlets and Golem Shell Armor didn't.



- During the mage origins, when reaching the phylactery chamber, if either one of the sentinels inside the chamber attacks me, the game crashes. So far, the only way I have been able to keep the game going is to '-runscript killallhostiles' as soon as those three sentinels activate. Before this very recent stream of crashes began (yesterday) I had finished probably two complete playthroughs without any other instance of an enemy attacking me into a crash.

- During human origin, the soldiers of Cousland castle have equipment with insane stats like +99 to a certain stat and stuff like that. Some of them have about 1000 hp if I remember correctly.

- With the personal annoyance removers activated, sometimes one of my mages gets the spell might visual effect stuck on them, even though I never use that. I tried activating and deactivating spell might, didn't work.

- I think Combat Tweaks states that it removed a bug that kept every Ogre from having a deathblow sequence, which is something intended only for Boss Ogres. However, I'm getting deathblows from all Ogres. I even installed deathblow multiplier with a "no deathblow" setting and I'm still getting them.


OK, so, here we go...




Awakening Related:

- Awakening in the OC

- Awakening in the OC Shops

- Lower Skill Requirements for Awakening

- Give Awakening Items to Bodahn (Serenity Store Mod)

- Personal Annoyance Remover for Awakening


Combat Skills Related

- Combat Tweaks (Update and SP fixes, area scaling tweak [lvl 20 cap], pet persists through area change)

- Dain's Fixes (with compatibility file for Combat Tweaks)

- GT Core Rules Fixpack

- Personal annoyance Remover

- Haste and Aura of Pain VFX Remover


Console commands

- Angel's fonts

- Add any item

- Add any item visual deluxe



- Flash's Creature Rescale (with Body Stay Remove, so corpses disappear)

- Nightmare v2.5

- Lemmings' Smarter Enemies Prepare to Die Edition



- Dragon Age Redesigned

- Improved Atmosphere (with compatibility files for FCR and CT)

- Bidelle's Cosmetics

- Hairstyle Day

- More Hairstyles

- Don't Worry Be Hairy

- CC Extra Tints and Tones

- Chargen Package

- Female Face Mods

- Lady of the Forest HD

- LOTC's Eyelashes

- No Helmet Hack

- Aurora's Pretty Faces

- Pretty Faces

- PT's Vibrant Colors

- REN's Hairs

- Character Creation Files

- Grey Wardens Of Ferelden (With IA Compatibility)

- And of course, the CharGenMorph Compiler



- Leave Wynne Behind

- Bye Oghren


Miscellaneous Fixes and Tweaks

- Armor Rune Drop Fixes

- Baroness Reward Fix

- Blackblade Drop Fix

- Cerra sells Barrier Runes

- Dweomer, Hale and Silverite Runes back to weapon runes

- Cutscene Fixes

- Gift Guide (Origins and Awk)

- Guaranteed Random Encounters

- Joining Ritual Fix

- Jowan's Intention Fix

- Expanded Inventory

- Plus Healing Received Fix

- Riordan Glitch Fix

- Silverite Mines Lost equipment Fix

- Skip the Fade

- Utility Sack

- Vigilance/Starfang mesh Fix

- Respecification DAO



- Infested Grounds

- Jojjo Weapons (Jojjo's dungeon)

- Pints and Quarts Tavern

- Return to Korcari Wilds

- Spiders and Knives

- Swamp Tower Adventure

- Tombs of the Undead

- Temple of Vulak

- Quests and Legends



- 50 Tactic Slots

- Even More Advanced Tactics

- Cluster Fix (supposed to work for AT, but works for EMAT too)

- Sustained Talents and Spells fix for EMAT and Awakening in the OC



- Theta HD

- HDR Textures


Weapons and Armor

- Battlemage Regalia

- Volcanic Sword Package (the ones supposed to accompany Voice of Velvet)

- Edriano-Mordsith alternate equipment

- Fadeweaver

- Serenity Store

- The Phoenix Armory

- The Winter Forge

- Upgrade Wand

- Vengeance

- Verdant Sonata

- Wings of Velvet

Edited by addictinsane9
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So...I think i have every non-official weapon and adventure dlc from Nexus installed and activated too and I've noticed more crashing than normal but liberally using quicksave helps tons.


I started Lothering as a level 32 mage, now I think that's cool and never did that before :cool:

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Yes, usually DA:O has your casual crash here and there, those crashes are not persistent to one specific area, and after restarting and loading you can continue your game. However, my crashes now are keeping me from moving forward. For example, there's a high dragon in the middle of the Swamp Adventure Mod. I can't finish the high dragon fight without the game crashing over and over again.

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My base 'guaranteed' crashes are coming out of Genitivi's house in Denerim, the first attack on the Sloth Demon ogre after rescuing companions in the Fade and coming out of the cellar into the courtyard of Redcliffe castle. I always save before proceeding and simply reloaad after the crash. Why is that?


I have noticed that the longer the game is run (time playing) the random crashes increase. Also crashes seem fewer if I'm the only character (with no companions) in all areas.


You do have a lot more stuff installed than I do...wow.


Also, I have seemed to eliminated crashes by removing Awakening from my Ultimate edition game (and its ep1 extras) from the DAO folder. I went thru Awakening once a long time ago and have no desire to ever do it again, like DAII. Awakening in the OC still works.

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I have found the reason for my constant crashing, and boy was it a strange one.


I used TWF to move the stats from battlemage regalia armor to the warden armor you get with the grey wardens of ferelden mod. For some reason, that kept crashing my game over and over whenever Morrigan cast a yet unidentified ability.


All other bugs remain, though.


And yes, will, I have too much stuff installed, though if you look at the bulk of it, cosmetics are requirements for face mods, and most of the fixes are for awakening, in case I ever decide to play through that again. I just can't believe they made only one character truly lovable (Sigrun). The rest... I mean, Velanna is despicable on purpose. You have to insult her to get approval from her. And a guy named Justice? What is this, 1960's campy comic books? Adam West's Batman???

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