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Alternative Start - My last obstacle - need to unlock sprint


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Hello, I have managed to get most stuff together for some easy to deploy "Alternative Start" bat files run in the game. Unlike the version already posted on Nexus my version is meant to be run directly at Pre-War Sanctuary just after the gamer has created their character.


My problem now is that when in the Pre-War sanctuary, everything is "locked out" for the player, but with the command "ForceEnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" that is solved, and with "player.equipitem 21b3b" Pip-boy is usable. Then of course I "finish" the startquest and kickstart the two other "main quests" with some easy console commands, but...


Sprinting wont work. And no, its not the "sprinting bug" I talk about, but the scripted "sprinting". By using "GetPlayerControlsDisabled" it even tells that sprinting is deactivated, so my problem now is how on earth shall I be able to enable it from a "bat" file...


Example: cgf "Debug.Notification" "Hello there." works perfect in console, so it's quite possible to run scrip commands *IN* the game-console, and I also found the "script" that regulate the sprinting:



Function EnableSprinting(abEnable = true) native

; Enable sprinting



The sad fact of the story however is that I can't find any way to have this to work directly in game console. Hopefully one of you experts know a way.

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