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Have a question about voice lines

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Hello everyone,


I've finally been tinkering around with the creation kit over the last few weeks and I've come up with a few ideas I'd like to work on. I am however having a few issues, as it will involve creating NPC's for quest and ambiance. The concept I'm working on is pretty simple; duplicate the generic "BoSMale01/02", rename them "Enclave Soldier" - Replace faction ties and removing maybe 4-6 lines of dialogue that don't fit (IE; "If you're not Brotherhood..").


Nothing that would require a back and forth with the player, recruiting or dialogue choices. Just duplicating generic one sided conversation NPCs and removing lines of speech.


However it would seem that it's too simple of a change for me to really find a tutorial on. Almost every tutorial I see in regards to NPCs, Custom Dialogue and Voice Lines are adding Custom lines to Phased conversations or custom sound files.


So, I've decided to make my first ever post on Nexus mods to ask if anyone here might be able to help me with a link to a guide on creating and editing background NPCs using the games assets.



Thank you for reading, along with whatever input you may be able to provide.

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I'm not sure how, but this guy Seddon4494 seems to know pretty much everything about character dialogue:



You'll have to watch quite a few of his videos, but they go through everything step by step. You'll grow to appreciate his Mancunian accent, and the way he starts every single video by clearing his throat.

Edited by radiumskull
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It's quite simple. If your NPCs are using the BoSFemale and BoSMale voice types go to the quest BoSDialogueGeneric, go to the lines you don't want, and put in a condition which won't allow your NPCs to say those lines. I put in GetIsID with my NPC's object ID and value to 0. I have 4 NPCs so I put in all 4. This has worked for me but I'm not sure if it effects the actually BoS NPCs.



Edited by Nutulator
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  On 8/27/2016 at 8:56 AM, Nutulator said:

It's quite simple. If your NPCs are using the BoSFemale and BoSMale voice types go to the quest BoSDialogueGeneric, go to the lines you don't want, and put in a condition which won't allow your NPCs to say those lines. I put in GetIsID with my NPC's object ID and value to 0. I have 4 NPCs so I put in all 4. This has worked for me but I'm not sure if it effects the actually BoS NPCs.




This has actually been a great help, thank you.


As for Seddon - He has some good tutorials but they seem to be for more in depth dialogue than what I was looking for in this specific instance. Thank you however.

Edited by Wildeyedjokr
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