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Make ALL NPCs Non-Essential


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Looking for the above, i didnt put this in mod requests because i know there already a mod that does this, and i really do need it, does anybody know of a mod or at least a console command


Or at least one (command or mod) that would at least make the targeted person non-essential

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From: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console


setessential <base ID> <1/0>


Set a character (NPC) as immortal (1) or mortal (0). This command can be used to make any NPC unkillable. When a character set as essential takes nearly fatal damage, they collapse onto their hands and knees and stumble around for a period of time, instead of dying.

Note that the base ID and not the ref ID must be used. The ref ID is what appears when clicking on an object with the console open. To find an NPC's base ID, however, you can either a) browse to their respective page (see:People and/or NPCs) or b) use the help function in-game to search for them by name, recording whatever value matches their name under the "NPC_" category of result. Once you have the base ID, enter the command using either 1 to set him/her immortal or 0 to set him/her mortal. For example, setessential a2c8e 1 would set Lydia as immortal.


Because the command alters an NPC's base and not their reference (i.e., the character's template, not just the on-screen instance of him/her), you should always test it out by - what else? - trying to murder the NPC (save beforehand). Using the kill command is not recommended as it gives unreliable results - you should actually hack or fire away until the NPC either falls down dead (mortal) or starts crawling around (immortal). If you want to make an NPC immortal but he/she is already dead, use the resurrect command first, but take note of the warnings in that command's description because they will still apply.

While it is fine to change an NPC to essential yourself and then decide later to make them mortal again, you should never set an NPC that is essential (immortal) in the vanilla game (i.e., before modifications) as mortal. If they're already essential, don't change them. Certainly do not save the game if you do. If an originally essential NPC dies it will undoubtedly break whole quests, entire questlines, or perhaps even the entire story, and you'll be forced to reload a previous save.

Related functions: To check whether an NPC is essential to begin with, select him/her in the console (so that the ref ID appears), and enter IsEssential - if the console returns "1.00", the NPC is essential.

Edited by Velexia
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