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Actually change the Companion inventory


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Hey, would it be possible, or is somebody working on a mod that actually allows you to edit a companions/followers inventory? Like, Even the armor they're wearing is available? It seems like a moderately simple mod, but I have no experience in modding so I wouldn't be able to do it myself.
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I'm not a mod maker, but here's something I use that makes your follower wear what you want them to wear:


First, remove any valuable items off your follower, as this command will strip them of everything. Type in the console code: removeallitems

This will make your follower naked. Now you ask to trade with them and give them whatever it is you want them to wear/wield. This effect only lasts until you send them home (part ways). As soon as they get to their/your house, they will revert back to their default clothes, but the items you gave them will still be in their inventory.

Edited by WatchTheShow
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Note you need to TARGET your follower by clicking on him/her with the console open beforehand.


Additionally, a better solution is to manually manage their inventory.


Open the console and click your follower. Then, type showinventory.


Personally, I like to remove all of their default gear. removeitem X Y where X is the reference ID and Y is the quantity, referenced from the showinventory command.


Then, give them whatever you like. If they still refuse to equip it (shouldn't happen if you strip their base gear), then use equipitem X where X is the item's ID referenced from showinventory.

Edited by Tair
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