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Change the way staves work!


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I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't like this business with having only one spell per staff. It feels lame to be swapping these things out and doing barehanded spellcasting for the spells you don't have a staff for. How many wizards in fantasy fiction can you name who carry around a collection of staves in their robes?


If you have a staff it should be your catch-all magic focus for all your spells, like an accessory that enables the magical equivalent of the Two-Handed Weapons skill. I want to change the staves to work more like a mage's weapon of choice, but I have no idea where to start. Thoughts anyone?

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I actually like the way they did the staffs the way they did. I mean it is an item that can be used repeatedly and in faster succession (my opinion) than hand cast spells and they don't have to worry about energy depleting (I mean as fast as magicka does) so they can be used longer.


BUTT!!!!!!!...haha butt....haha anus. I would like to see blank staffs that you can enchant yourself just like weapons even the ability to make staffs from certain trees and then enchanting them. They did this in Oblivion but only on a very small scale and one time thing

Edited by mrschnuffels
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