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Yu-Gi-Oh! Request


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This is a big Request, I know, but as long as no one else has asked for this, I will. And sorry for my bad english.

This is a big, big Thing I ask of you, but I sadly have to, because I am no Modder. I can't even create a simple Chair.

But, since I've seen a lot of really amacing Mods here, I'm asking all Modders out there who can create such Things like:

Staff, Boots, Graves, Helmet and Armour of the Dark Magician, Magician of Black Chaos, Celtic Guardian and the other Magicians.

Yugi Races, Hairstyles, Mariks Tattoo, Clothes, Robes, Millenium Objects,.....

I'm even happy if it's only the Dark Magician Outfit with Staff.

Even if it takes a hole year to create such Things. I would wait that year with pleasure. Because I know even as no Modder, that this will take time, a lot of time, perhaps. But I would nearly do everything for you if you can do me that big favour.

If there is something you need orif you need more images, let me know.


Here's my Favourite Card Monster for first Impressions.

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I just think that it would look awesome on your character if he / she wears such clothes. :thumbsup:

Just like Mages Robe and Hood. So that you can choose your own favourite Boots and Gauntlets for your new powerfull Mage. :wub:

Oh please, please, please with much sugar and Cherrys. ;D

I would do it by my own, but I'm no Modder. :no: In that case god blessed me with two left hands. :sweat:

I would do everything you ask, for creating this mod! :dance:

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Please be aware that you cannot bump threads here. If you have further comments to add to your original post, please do so via the edit button. The only way that you can add new post to the thread is to post with additional information that would assist the modders filling the request, or to respond to those that post.

Sorry, but if the thread doesn't show any interest, you have to let it fade out, without any bumping.


Good luck witht he request.

-DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff

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