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Alchemy Ingredients Disappeared


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I added a lot of mods recently, and now when I use an alchemy station, the ingredients won't appear. I suspect it is the work of Val's Crafting Meltdown, More Craftables, or Lost Art of the Blacksmith because they affect blacksmith crafting lists, but deactivating all of them does nothing. I think it is either another mod, which seems unlikely, or one of those mods did some damage to my vanilla installation.


Here are some pictures of the problem and my Nexus Mod Manager list.





Edited by NEMESISD
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Be sure to let Kenny know about this, and let him know the mods you listed that add or alter ingredients. Also, let him know whether or not you're running the Steam updated .exe that came out last week. After reading the comments from QD Interface I'm under the impression that UI mods functioning fine for one version of the executable don't necessarily work as intended for the other.
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