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Enchanting not working?


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Hey Everyone so ive reinstalled skyrim after buying a new computer and downloaded a ton of mods i already knew but when i try to go and enchant something, the soul gem box is empty, it doesnt turn white or give me the option to go into the menu, i simply can not go in to the menu at all, so i cant finish enchanting... i dont have many things that mess with enchanting besides Perkus Maximus (which i believe also has Wintermyst in it). I have a mod called Soul gems differ which changes the color of soul gems, and thats about it.



Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if they had if they could help me out with it! Thank you very much!

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Perkus Maximus is not a mod for beginners if you are not already really good with skyrim modding using it will probably break your game. Now we can start fixing your mod pack post your Modwhatch please: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640

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