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MO will not load Skyrim through SKSE


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So I've downloaded some mods to run around with in Skyrim one of them happens to be SkyUI which I love. Now I can load the game from the Skyrim launcher within MO and play it just fine with all of my mods including SkyUI but that means that SKSE is not running in the background, therefore the mod doesn't work properly and the load time for the UI takes a stupid amount of time; my OCD kicks in and makes me not even want to play the game with the mod but that interface is just so amazing... I've tried the whole uncheck all mods and then try running SKSE but it still doesn't work. The message I get is a little window that says "MO is locked while the executable is running. TESV.exe" after that message pops up it immediately goes away, nothing loads and Skyrim is not running in the task manager... I've searched and searched for an answer but still can't find one someone please help....








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SKSE launcher should appear in mod organizer if its missing add it manually.

In case you don't know what i am saying: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK

Yeah see the problem is that the SKSE launcher is available and when I try to launch it through MO it comes up with that message and nothing happens I'll take a look at the links though...

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if the links don't work follow this guide to make Skyrim vanilla again (it shouldn't touch mod organizer you will have to reinstall ENB, SKSE and plugin pre loader if you have it (d3dx9_42.dll)) Guide link: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again

Edited by Project579
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