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Kicked from Chat?


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Hi there Nexus Admins/members. I decided I wanted to give the chatroom a try tonight and accepted the terms but right when I accepted them it had said I had been kicked from the chat room I tried posting amessage and it wouldnt let me, I refreshed my page, and even tried going to a different page and then trying again still I get the same message, can anyone help?
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The chatroom is a function of IPBoard software, which only has out of the box functionality, and can be very temperamental. The software itself can kick for reasons such as "inactivity" or to refresh the server, which happens on a schedule every 24 hours.


The short answer is, just try again. Some days it works better than others.

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  • 2 months later...

The chatroom is a function of IPBoard software, which only has out of the box functionality, and can be very temperamental. The software itself can kick for reasons such as "inactivity" or to refresh the server, which happens on a schedule every 24 hours.


The short answer is, just try again. Some days it works better than others.


Thx for the info i am rally trying hard to join the chatroom but have the same problem, as 4 noticed other members here in the forums.

maybe the is some special setting in chrome or just something else that would help!

has anyone an idea?

a Lead?

Anything at all?

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