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Skyrim crashes when a dragon appears


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Hi, my skyrim runs fine with my mods (150 mods) everything goes really smoothly until I encounter a dragon, which crashes my game. I'm pretty certain that I don't have any mods that edits a dragon in anyway. I have tried using LOOT, FNIS, SkyProc launcher for the dance of death mod and TES5Edit but the results are still the same. I tried running the game without mods on, and of course the game doesn't crash so somehow it is related to one of my mods that I have enabled, I only did this because i wanted to get past the western watchtower quest where you have to defeat that dragon. As i went back to the modded skyrim and spawned a dragon from the console I would crash once again. I don't want to uncheck and check all 150 mods just to find a mod with the problem, it would take far too long and time consuming. So I'm hoping that maybe you guys would know which mod maybe the culprit. My specs are Gtx970 OC and 8GB ram. Here's my papyrus log (Please excuse my sexlab mods :P ) and thank you.

[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.

[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Update budget: 800.000000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 800.000000ms, Load screen budget: 1000.000000ms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Memory page: 256 (min) 512 (max) 2457600 (max total)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:03PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmquestscript", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:03PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmconfigmenu", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "Defeatdadefeated".

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (250C16D8) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (250C1173) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__02008ECC", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF__02008ECC to (4B008ECC) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "sam_questscript", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "KLC_DwemerBridgeMapMarker", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (04016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VDFDeflorationScript to alias PlayerRef on quest VDFDeflorationQuest (4E0022ED) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script sdsMCMSkillBoost to alias PlayerAlias on quest sdsSkillConfig (5E0012C4) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniREF on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property Alias_aFTDFaraniAlias on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniTop on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniBoots on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncDLC1SabrecatHard on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinTrollArmoredNormal on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollFrostArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1SabreCatGlowRace on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollFrostArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroDagger on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property SexLabNoStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroArrow on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property SexLabStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTD1InfiltrationPillarREF on script QF_aFTD2End_0502E820 attached to aFTD2End (6B02E820) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AdrianneAvenicci on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AelaTheHuntress on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinAshSpawn on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncAshmanMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2ThirskRieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncWerebearMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2LurkerRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinNakedWereBearBeast on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinBenthicLurker on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncLurkerMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2AshSpawnRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2RieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2WerebearBeastRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] VM is freezing...

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] VM is frozen

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] Reverting game...

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (250C16D8) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (250C1173) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF__02008ECC to (4B008ECC) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script sdsMCMSkillBoost to alias PlayerAlias on quest sdsSkillConfig (5E0012C4) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VDFDeflorationScript to alias PlayerRef on quest VDFDeflorationQuest (4E0022ED) because their base types do not match

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniREF on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property Alias_aFTDFaraniAlias on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniTop on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniBoots on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (04016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AdrianneAvenicci on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AelaTheHuntress on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroDagger on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property SexLabNoStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroArrow on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property SexLabStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property aFTD1InfiltrationPillarREF on script QF_aFTD2End_0502E820 attached to aFTD2End (6B02E820) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinAshSpawn on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncAshmanMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2ThirskRieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncWerebearMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2LurkerRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinNakedWereBearBeast on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinBenthicLurker on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncLurkerMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2AshSpawnRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2RieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2WerebearBeastRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncDLC1SabrecatHard on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinTrollArmoredNormal on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollFrostArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1SabreCatGlowRace on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollFrostArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] Loading game...

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] VM is thawing...

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] FNIS AA started (load)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: QuestMonitor is now watching for device events.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: OnLoadGame() Begin

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: DawnGuard esp installed and activated.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: DragonBorn esp installed and activated.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [belted Empty] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Yoke Struggle] Loaded: 20%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 23

[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 27

[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 31

[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 35

[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0A042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SexLab Dialogues: Reset SexLab events

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "consoleutil", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None


[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.checkBlindfoldDarkFog() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 143

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 150

[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0A042D62)>]: registered for maintenance

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: OnLoadGame() End

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: SexLab version: 16200

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: SlaveTats version:

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: RaceMenu version: 7

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 3010

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: SexLab support: TRUE

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Overlay support: False

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation support: TRUE

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Initializing.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scanning for supported plugins...


[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "Falskaar.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 122

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 123

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 124

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 125

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "3DNPC.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 127

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 128

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 129

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "CompanionArissa.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 130

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 131

[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scan complete.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0A042D62)>]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa (load game) started

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SEXLAB - [zadbq00 <zadQuest (0D00F624)>] DDBeltedSolo - Created Non-Global Object 'DDBeltedSolo'

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slamainscr <sla_Main (0A042D62)>]: registered for maintenance

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FWSystemConfig::LoadWidgetProfile()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] - Load Profile: default.ini

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): set

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "fnis_aa2", missing file?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 45

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 45

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 46

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 46

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 47

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 47

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa nMods:0 nSets:0 crc:0 crcOld:0

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 50

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetAAsets mod: FNIS aa nSets: 0

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAsetList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAsets() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 240

[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 51

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Creating DDBeltedSolo

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] InitWidgetLoader()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SEXLAB - Animations[-1] DDBeltedSolo - DDBeltedSolo

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Armbinder Struggle] Loaded: 15%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92

[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 163

[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 50

[alias XPMSEWeaponPlayer on quest XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92

[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 163

[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 50

[alias XPMSEWeaponPlayer on quest XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 93

[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 163

[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 50

[alias XPMSEWeaponPlayer on quest XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.psc" Line 6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetAAmodID - MOD MISSING (not included by FNIS generator) mod: XPMSE prefix: xpe

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:37

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:39

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:38

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:40

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:31

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:41

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:4

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:45

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:43

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:36

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:17

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:49

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:7

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:16

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:52

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:48

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Starting Sergius' Experiment...

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: QuestMonitor is now watching for device events.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: QuestMonitor is now tracking player.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] ERROR: Cannot cast from None to ski_widgetbase[]


[iHUDControlQuest (53000805)].ihudwidgetscript.initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 38

[iHUDControlQuest (53000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93

[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (53002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 20

[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (53002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 11

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 371

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 206

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 371

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 206

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - [zadbq00 <zadQuest (0D00F624)>] DDArmbinderSolo - Created Non-Global Object 'DDArmbinderSolo'

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): set

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] [Zad]: Creating DDArmbinderSolo

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - Animations[-1] DDArmbinderSolo - DDArmbinderSolo

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] =====Shooting Stars is searching for SKSE and SkyUI. Any errors below are harmless.=====

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] =====Shooting Stars is finished searching!=====

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - [zadbq00 <zadQuest (0D00F624)>] DDYokeSolo - Created Non-Global Object 'DDYokeSolo'

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): set

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] [Zad]: Creating CreateDDYokeSolo

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - Animations[-1] DDYokeSolo - DDYokeSolo

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Not repopulating NPC slots: Feature is disabled.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DDi version [4.000000]: OK

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: assets version [2.900000]: OK

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ZaZ Animation Pack version [610.000000]: OK

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Initializing Events arrays.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #0

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #1

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [belted Empty] Registered. Event #2

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #3

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #5

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #4

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #7

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [bump Pumps] Registered. Event #8

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Yoke Struggle] Registered. Event #9

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #10

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #11

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #12

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath Registered(80:21)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath Registered(81:26)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath Registered(82:28)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [belt Chafing] Registered. Event #13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #14

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #15

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Armbinder Struggle] Registered. Event #16

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #17

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #18

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [bra Chafing] Registered. Event #19

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #20

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #21

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #22

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #23

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [stamina Drain] Registered. Event #24

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #25

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


[item 3 in container (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?

[item 3 in container (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [337641472]: 337641472

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 85

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204

[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 85

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204

[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: Refreshing ABC values...

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.UpdateValues() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 37

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 88

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204

[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.UpdateValues() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 37

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 88

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204

[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 93

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.UpdateValues() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 37

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 88

[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204

[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetAAmodID - MOD MISSING (not included by FNIS generator) mod: DeviousDevices prefix: abc

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:44

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:6

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:34

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:33

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:35

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:51

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:18

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:8

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:52

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:48

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:11

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:10

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:12

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:0

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.2 is installed

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Bra (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Chastity Bra (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Bra (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Bra for Chastity Bra (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Arms for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Legs for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag short for Collar (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Collar (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Collar (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Posture) (Steel)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Collar (Posture) (Steel)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag posture for Collar (Posture) (Steel)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Collar (Posture) (Steel)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Posture) (Steel)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Armbinder

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Armbinder

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Armbinder

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.


[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 758

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Armbinder for Armbinder

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.


[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 758

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ball) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ball) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ball) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ball for Gag (Ball) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Gag (Ball) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ball) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Panel) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Panel) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Panel) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Panel for Gag (Panel) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Gag (Panel) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Panel) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ring) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ring) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ring) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ring for Gag (Ring) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Gag (Ring) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ring) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ball) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ball) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ball) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ball for Gag (Ball) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag strap for Gag (Ball) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ball) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ring) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ring) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ring) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ring for Gag (Ring) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag strap for Gag (Ring) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ring) (Simple)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Blindfold

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Blindfold

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Blindfold

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Blindfold for Blindfold

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_magidle of type int, returning 0.


[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1253

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_magatk of type int, returning 0.


[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1226

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Arms for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Legs for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Leather)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag short for Collar (Leather)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Collar (Leather)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Collar (Leather)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Leather)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Harness

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Full for Harness

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Harness

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Harness

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Harness

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Leather) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Collar (Leather) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Collar (Leather) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Collar (Leather) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Leather) (Harness)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag IRON for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309

[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_bowatk of type int, returning 0.


[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1393

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.


[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "<native>" Line ?

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 758

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Iron) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Iron) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag IRON for Plug (Iron) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Iron) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Iron) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag primitive for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag primitive for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Magic for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Magic for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag inflatable for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag pump for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag inflatable for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag pump for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Open for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Belt for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() Begin

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() Registering

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Starting to read config files from Data/SLNC.d

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Found 4 config files in Data/SLNC.d

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Reading config file 30_slnc-mnc.json

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 4: [Race <DLC1HuskyBareCompanionRace (020122B7)>], Husky (Companion), [Form < (3A00CE2F)>], Judah (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00CE31)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 3: [Race <DLC1HuskyBareRace (02018B36)>], Husky, [Form < (3A00CE2F)>], Judah (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00CE31)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 2: [Race <DLC1DeathHoundCompanionRace (02003D02)>], Death Hound (Companion), [Form < (3A00F5D0)>], Deathhound Brute (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00F5CF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 1: [Race <DLC1DeathHoundRace (0200C5F0)>], Death Hound, [Form < (3A00F5D0)>], Deathhound Brute (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00F5CF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 0: [Race <DLC2WerebearBeastRace (0401E17B)>], Werebear, [Form < (39022CF5)>], Arch Demon (MNC), None, [Form < (39022CF4)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Reading config file 20_slnc-dg.json

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 8: [Form <DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored (020117F4)>], Armored Frost Troll, [Form < (02016688)>], Armored Frost Troll, None, [Form < (3A014507)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 7: [Form <DLC1TrollRaceArmored (020117F5)>], Armored Troll, [Form < (02016689)>], Armored Troll, [Form < (3A00CE35)>], [Form < (3A00A693)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 6: [Form <DLC1SabreCatGlowRace (0200D0B6)>], Sabrecat (Glow), None, , None, [Form < (3A005742)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 5: [Race <DLC1HuskyBareCompanionRace (020122B7)>], Husky (Companion), None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574C)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 4: [Race <DLC1HuskyBareRace (02018B36)>], Husky, None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574C)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 3: [Race <DLC1HuskyArmoredCompanionRace (02003D01)>], Armored Husky (Companion), None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574D)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 2: [Race <DLC1HuskyArmoredRace (02018B33)>], Armored Husky, None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574D)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 1: [Race <DLC1DeathHoundCompanionRace (02003D02)>], Death Hound (Companion), None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574A)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 0: [Race <DLC1DeathHoundRace (0200C5F0)>], Death Hound, None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574A)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Reading config file 20_slnc-db.json

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 11: [Form <DLC2LurkerRace (04014495)>], Lurker, [Form < (04014497)>], Lurker, None, [Form < (39011436)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 10: [Race <DLC2AshSpawnRace (0401B637)>], Ashman, [Form < (0402B04B)>], Ashman, None, [Form < (3901A096)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 9: [Race <DLC2WerebearBeastRace (0401E17B)>], Werebear, None, Werebear, None, [Form < (39014302)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 8: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, None, , None, [Form < (39005901)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 7: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354ED)>], Thirsk Riekling 3, None, [Form < (39005908)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 6: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354EA)>], Thirsk Riekling 2, None, [Form < (39005907)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 5: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354E8)>], Thirsk Riekling 1, None, [Form < (39005906)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 4: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354E2)>], Riekling Chief, None, [Form < (39005905)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 3: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354E6)>], Riekling Melee 3, None, [Form < (39005904)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 2: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354E5)>], Riekling Melee 2, None, [Form < (39005903)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 1: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (040354E3)>], Riekling Melee 1, None, [Form < (39005902)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 0: [Form <DLC2RieklingRace (04017F44)>], riekling, [Form < (04017F46)>], riekling, None, [Form < (39005901)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Reading config file 10_slnc.json

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 66: [Form <SkeeverWhiteRace (000C3EDF)>], Skeever (White), None, Skeever (White), None, [Form < (3802719E)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 12, got 8.


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 162

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 65: [Form <SkeeverRace (00013201)>], skeever, None, skeever, None, [Form < (3802719D)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 12, got 8.


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 162

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 64: [Form <FoxRace (00109C7C)>], Fox, [Form < (000829B7)>], Arctic Fox, None, [Form < (380266D6)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 63: [Form <FoxRace (00109C7C)>], Fox, [Form < (000829B4)>], Fox, None, [Form < (380266D5)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 62: [Race <AlduinRace (000E7713)>], Dragon (Alduin), None, , None, [Form < (38024684)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 61: [Race <DragonRace (00012E82)>], Dragon, None, , None, [Form < (38024684)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 60: [Race <KhajiitRaceVampire (00088845)>], Khajiit Vampire, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 59: [Race <KhajiitRace (00013745)>], Khajiit, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 58: [Race <ArgonianRaceVampire (0008883A)>], Argonian Vampire, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 57: [Race <ArgonianRace (00013740)>], Argonian, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 56: [Race <WerewolfBeastRace (000CDD84)>], Werewolf, None, , None, [Form < (38023656)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 55: [Race <CartHorseRace (000DE505)>], Horse (Cart), [Form < (00086503)>], Shadowmere, None, [Form < (380230F1)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 54: [Race <CartHorseRace (000DE505)>], Horse (Cart), [Form < (0008650E)>], Palomino, None, [Form < (380230F0)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 53: [Race <CartHorseRace (000DE505)>], Horse (Cart), [Form < (0008650F)>], Grey, None, [Form < (380230EF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 52: [Race <CartHorseRace (000DE505)>], Horse (Cart), [Form < (00086510)>], Black & White, None, [Form < (380230EE)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 51: [Race <CartHorseRace (000DE505)>], Horse (Cart), [Form < (0008650D)>], Black, None, [Form < (380230ED)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 50: [Race <CartHorseRace (000DE505)>], Horse (Cart), [Form < (00060715)>], Brown, None, [Form < (380230EC)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 49: [Race <HorseRace (000131FD)>], Horse, [Form < (00086503)>], Shadowmere, None, [Form < (380230F1)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 48: [Race <HorseRace (000131FD)>], Horse, [Form < (0008650E)>], Palomino, None, [Form < (380230F0)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 47: [Race <HorseRace (000131FD)>], Horse, [Form < (0008650F)>], Grey, None, [Form < (380230EF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 46: [Race <HorseRace (000131FD)>], Horse, [Form < (00086510)>], Black & White, None, [Form < (380230EE)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 45: [Race <HorseRace (000131FD)>], Horse, [Form < (0008650D)>], Black, None, [Form < (380230ED)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 44: [Race <HorseRace (000131FD)>], Horse, [Form < (00060715)>], Brown, None, [Form < (380230EC)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 43: [Race <ChaurusReaperRace (000A5601)>], Chaurus Reaper, None, All, None, [Form < (380230E5)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 42: [Race <ChaurusRace (000131EB)>], Chaurus, None, All, None, [Form < (380230E5)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 41: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant (0004E507)>], Giant Spider, [Form < (0002C181)>], Giant Snow Spider, None, [Form < (380230E2)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 40: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant (0004E507)>], Giant Spider, [Form < (0002C180)>], Giant Spider, None, [Form < (380230E1)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 39: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRaceGiant (0004E507)>], Giant Spider, None, All, None, [Form < (380230E1)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 38: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge (00053477)>], Large Spider, [Form < (00048C0E)>], Snow Spider, None, [Form < (380230E0)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 37: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge (00053477)>], Large Spider, [Form < (0003636F)>], Large Spider, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 36: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRaceLarge (00053477)>], Large Spider, None, All, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 35: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRace (000131F8)>], Frostbite Spider, [Form < (00048C0E)>], Snow Spider, None, [Form < (380230E0)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 34: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRace (000131F8)>], Frostbite Spider, [Form < (0003636F)>], Frostbite, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 33: [Race <FrostbiteSpiderRace (000131F8)>], Frostbite Spider, None, All, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 32: [Race <MG07DogRace (000F905F)>], Dog (MG07), None, MG07, None, [Armor < (38023BB9)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 31: [Race <DA03BarbasDogRace (000CD657)>], Dog (Barbas), None, Barbas, None, [Armor < (3800C196)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 30: [Race <DogCompanionRace (000F1AC4)>], Dog (Companion), None, Companion, None, [Armor < (3800C196)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 29: [Race <DogRace (000131EE)>], Dog, None, All, None, [Armor < (3800C196)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 28: [Race <WolfRace (0001320A)>], wolf, [Form < (000C02F8)>], Summoned Wolf, None, [Form < (3800C19F)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 27: [Race <WolfRace (0001320A)>], wolf, [Form < (000C02FB)>], Black Wolf, None, [Form < (3800C19E)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 26: [Race <WolfRace (0001320A)>], wolf, [Form < (0004E886)>], wolf, None, [Form < (3800C19D)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 25: [Race <SabreCatSnowyRace (00013202)>], Snow Sabrecat, None, All, None, [Form < (38004AB6)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 24: [Race <SabreCatRace (00013200)>], SabreCat, None, All, None, [Form < (38004AB7)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 23: [Race <BearSnowRace (000131E9)>], Snow Bear, None, Snow Bear, None, [Form < (38004AB2)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 22: [Race <BearBrownRace (000131E7)>], Brown Bear, None, Brown Bear, None, [Form < (38004AB0)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 21: [Race <BearBlackRace (000131E8)>], Black Bear, None, Black Bear, None, [Form < (38004AB1)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 20: [Race <TrollRace (00013205)>], Troll, None, Default, None, [Form < (380012CF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 19: [Race <TrollRace (00013205)>], Troll, [Form < (000F0779)>], Uderfrykte, None, [Form < (380012D0)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 18: [Race <TrollRace (00013205)>], Troll, [Form < (00016EE4)>], Troll, None, [Form < (380012CC)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 17: [Race <TrollFrostRace (00013206)>], Frost Troll, None, Frost Troll, None, [Form < (380012CF)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 16: [Race <GiantRace (000131F9)>], Giant, None, Giant, None, [Form < (380012CE)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 15: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00050F3A)>], Falmer 6, None, [Form < (38002312)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 14: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00050F38)>], Falmer 5, None, [Form < (38002311)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 13: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00050F36)>], Falmer 4, None, [Form < (38002310)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 12: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00050F34)>], Falmer 3, None, [Form < (3800230F)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 11: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00050F32)>], Falmer 2, None, [Form < (3800230E)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 10: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00050F30)>], Falmer 1, None, [Form < (3800230D)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 9: [Race <FalmerRace (000131F4)>], falmer, [Form < (00016EE7)>], falmer, None, [Form < (38000D63)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 8: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, None, Default, None, [Form < (380012CD)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 7: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE84)>], Draugr Male 7, None, [Form < (38002306)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 6: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE83)>], Draugr Male 6, None, [Form < (38002305)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 5: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE82)>], Draugr Male 5, None, [Form < (38002304)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 4: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE81)>], Draugr Male 4, None, [Form < (38002303)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 3: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE80)>], Draugr Male 3, None, [Form < (38002302)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 2: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE7F)>], Draugr Male 2, None, [Form < (38002301)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 1: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (0001FE7E)>], Draugr Male 1, None, [Form < (38002300)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: Entry 0: [Race <DraugrRace (00000D53)>], draugr, [Form < (00016EE3)>], draugr, None, [Form < (380012CD)>], []

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncaddondgscript <slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)>]: AddonDG.registerStuff()

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6.


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerVampireLordStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 30

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 6

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerVampireLordStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 30

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 6

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6.


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 54

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 54

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6.


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 55

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 55

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6.


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 56

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"


[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 56

[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7

[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript <slncControllerQuest (380110DF)>]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() End

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Belt (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Full for Chastity Belt (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Chastity Belt (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Belt (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Belt for Chastity Belt (Padded)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Belt (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Full for Chastity Belt (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag IRON for Chastity Belt (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Belt (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Belt for Chastity Belt (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function call


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"


[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag nipple for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag piercing for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag piercing for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Restrictive Collar

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Restrictive Collar

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag restrictive for Restrictive Collar

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Restrictive Collar

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag koffii for Restrictive Collar

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Restrictive Collar

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Restrictive Corset

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Restrictive Corset

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Corset for Restrictive Corset

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag restrictive for Restrictive Corset

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Restrictive Corset

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Restrictive Gloves

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Restrictive Gloves

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gloves for Restrictive Gloves

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag restrictive for Restrictive Gloves

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Restrictive Gloves

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"


<unknown self>.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60

<unknown self>.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424

[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Yoke (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Yoke for Yoke (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Yoke (Iron)

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: Finished registering devices.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: Begin skse print test.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: End skse print test.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Found 5 JSON files in creatures.d

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-db.json; skipping

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-dg.json; skipping

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-mnc-db.json; skipping

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-mnc-dg.json; skipping

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc.json; skipping

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Finished on ["Elk" [Actor < (000DC552)>]]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Finished on ["Deer" [Actor < (000DC553)>]]

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't deactivate actor ["Elk" [Actor < (000DC552)>]]; restarting

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't deactivate actor ["Deer" [Actor < (000DC553)>]]; restarting

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Removing both API armours from ["Elk" [Actor < (000DC552)>]] and doing nothing else

[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Removing both API armours from ["Deer" [Actor < (000DC553)>]] and doing nothing else

[08/27/2016 - 05:00:01PM] [CF][Main Quest] Player casting target puppet spell

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<I'm still new and don't know how to use spoiler tags> the green button on the left in the editor, (paste your code).


[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Update budget: 800.000000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 800.000000ms, Load screen budget: 1000.000000ms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:58:52PM] Memory page: 256 (min) 512 (max) 2457600 (max total)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:03PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmquestscript", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:03PM] Cannot open store for class "fnissmconfigmenu", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_QuestTemplate", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Error: Unable to link "daymoyl_QuestTemplate" - the parent of "Defeatdadefeated".
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (250C16D8) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (250C1173) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "PF__02008ECC", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF__02008ECC to (4B008ECC) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "sam_questscript", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "KLC_DwemerBridgeMapMarker", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "_arissa_inpc_behavior", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:04PM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (04016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VDFDeflorationScript to alias PlayerRef on quest VDFDeflorationQuest (4E0022ED) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script sdsMCMSkillBoost to alias PlayerAlias on quest sdsSkillConfig (5E0012C4) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniREF on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property Alias_aFTDFaraniAlias on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniTop on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniBoots on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncDLC1SabrecatHard on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinTrollArmoredNormal on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollFrostArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC1SabreCatGlowRace on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollFrostArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroDagger on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property SexLabNoStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroArrow on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property SexLabStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTD1InfiltrationPillarREF on script QF_aFTD2End_0502E820 attached to aFTD2End (6B02E820) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AdrianneAvenicci on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AelaTheHuntress on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinAshSpawn on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncAshmanMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2ThirskRieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncWerebearMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2LurkerRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinNakedWereBearBeast on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinBenthicLurker on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncLurkerMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2AshSpawnRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2RieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property DLC2WerebearBeastRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] VM is freezing...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] VM is frozen
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] Reverting game...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script Defeatdadefeated to DefeatPADefeated (250C16D8) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script DefeatDALeftForDead to DefeatPALeftForDead (250C1173) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script defeatdatrigger to DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script PF__02008ECC to (4B008ECC) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script sdsMCMSkillBoost to alias PlayerAlias on quest sdsSkillConfig (5E0012C4) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script daymoyl_PlayerValidateQuestAlias to alias PlayerRef on quest DefeatPlayerQST (25000D62) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] ERROR: Unable to bind script VDFDeflorationScript to alias PlayerRef on quest VDFDeflorationQuest (4E0022ED) because their base types do not match
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniREF on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property Alias_aFTDFaraniAlias on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniTop on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property aFTDFaraniBoots on script QF_aFTD1infiltration_05022731 attached to aFTD1Infiltration (6B022731) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (04016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AdrianneAvenicci on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property AelaTheHuntress on script amorousadventuresloversmain attached to SexLabAmorousAdventuresLovers (83014B6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:12PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroDagger on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property SexLabNoStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property _sleepyNecroArrow on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property SexLabStripList on script _sleepyNecro attached to _SleepyNecroQuest (6D00618B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property aFTD1InfiltrationPillarREF on script QF_aFTD2End_0502E820 attached to aFTD2End (6B02E820) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinAshSpawn on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncAshmanMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2ThirskRieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling03Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncWerebearMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling02Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2LurkerRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinNakedWereBearBeast on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRiekling01Melee on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinBenthicLurker on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncLurkerMaleNaked on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinRieklingChief on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2AshSpawnRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2RieklingRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling01 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling03 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2SkinThriskRiekling02 on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC2WerebearBeastRace on script slncaddondbscript attached to slncAddonDB (39005911) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollFrostRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncDLC1SabrecatHard on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncSkinTrollArmoredNormal on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1TrollRaceArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1SkinTrollFrostArmored on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property DLC1SabreCatGlowRace on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:13PM] warning: Property slncDLC1TrollFrostArmoredErect on script slncaddondgscript attached to slncAddonDG (3A002F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] Loading game...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] VM is thawing...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SEXLAB - LOADED: Version 16200 / 16200
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SexLab MCM Loaded CurrentVerison: 16200 / 16200
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] FNIS AA started (load)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: QuestMonitor is now watching for device events.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: OnLoadGame() Begin
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: DawnGuard esp installed and activated.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: DragonBorn esp installed and activated.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SOS Maintenance: loaded version is 300004
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SOS Maintenance: 300004 is update
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] SLAL: SLAL: OnLoad
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Horny] Loaded: 5%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Loaded: 50%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [bump Pumps] Loaded: 17%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Loaded: 50%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Loaded: 15%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Loaded: 25%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Trip] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [belted Empty] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [stamina Drain] Loaded: 50%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [Yoke Struggle] Loaded: 20%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 23
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Mystery] Loaded: 1%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 27
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 31
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] ERROR: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 35
[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0600F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:47PM] [slamainscr ]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SexLab Dialogues: Reset SexLab events
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "consoleutil", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.checkBlindfoldDarkFog() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 143
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 150
[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slamainscr ]: registered for maintenance
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Compatibility checking
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: OnLoadGame() End
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: SexLab version: 16200
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: SlaveTats version:
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: RaceMenu version: 7
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation Pack version: 3010
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: SexLab support: TRUE
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Overlay support: False
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: Non SexLab Animation support: TRUE
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] zbfExternal: -------------------------------------------------------
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Loaded: 55%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Initializing.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Starting update chain.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scanning for supported plugins...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "Falskaar.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 122
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 123
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 124
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 125
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "3DNPC.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 127
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 128
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 129
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "CompanionArissa.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 130
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.
.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "" Line ?
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 131
[CH (76020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 157
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ========== Convenient Horses: Scan complete.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slamainscr ]: starting maintenance... Update frequency 120.000000
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Loaded: 25%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Devious Devices is now creating animations.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa (load game) started
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SEXLAB - [zadbq00 ] DDBeltedSolo - Created Non-Global Object 'DDBeltedSolo'
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [slamainscr ]: registered for maintenance
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FWSystemConfig::LoadWidgetProfile()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] - Load Profile: default.ini
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Loaded: 15%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDBeltedSolo): set
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] Cannot open store for class "fnis_aa2", missing file?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Unable to obtain function call information - returning None
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 45
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 45
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 46
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 46
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 47
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 47
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa nMods:0 nSets:0 crc:0 crcOld:0
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 50
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetAAsets mod: FNIS aa nSets: 0
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAsetList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetAAsets() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 240
[FNIS_Q2 (220022EB)].FNIS_aaQuest2.OnInit() - "FNIS_aaQuest2.psc" Line 51
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [belt Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Creating DDBeltedSolo
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] InitWidgetLoader()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Loaded: 7%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] SEXLAB - Animations[-1] DDBeltedSolo - DDBeltedSolo
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Loaded: 15%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Armbinder Struggle] Loaded: 15%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 163
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 50
[alias XPMSEWeaponPlayer on quest XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 163
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 50
[alias XPMSEWeaponPlayer on quest XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 93
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.InitializeData() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 163
[XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponQuest.initialize() - "XPMSEWeaponQuest.psc" Line 50
[alias XPMSEWeaponPlayer on quest XPMSEWeaponQuest (7B000D62)].XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "XPMSEWeaponPlayerScript.psc" Line 6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetAAmodID - MOD MISSING (not included by FNIS generator) mod: XPMSE prefix: xpe
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:37
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:39
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:38
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:40
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:31
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:41
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:4
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:45
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:43
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:36
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:17
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:49
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:7
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:16
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:52
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: XPMSE/ modID: -1 groupID:48
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [bra Chafing] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Loaded: 10%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Loaded: 25%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Loaded: 100%
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: Starting Sergius' Experiment...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] XPMSE MainQuest Initialization successful.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: QuestMonitor is now watching for device events.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:48PM] [Zad]: QuestMonitor is now tracking player.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] ERROR: Cannot cast from None to ski_widgetbase[]
[iHUDControlQuest (53000805)].ihudwidgetscript.initialize() - "iHUDWidgetScript.psc" Line 38
[iHUDControlQuest (53000805)].ihudcontrolscript.startUp() - "iHUDControlScript.psc" Line 93
[iHUDMaintainanceQuest (53002853)].iHUDMaintainanceScript.startUp() - "iHUDMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 20
[alias PlayerAlias on quest iHUDMaintainanceQuest (53002853)].iHUDLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "iHUDLoadScript.psc" Line 11
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 371
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 206
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.onBeginState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 371
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GotoState() - "ActiveMagicEffect.psc" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnEffectStart() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 206
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - [zadbq00 ] DDArmbinderSolo - Created Non-Global Object 'DDArmbinderSolo'
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDArmbinderSolo): set
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] [Zad]: Creating DDArmbinderSolo
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - Animations[-1] DDArmbinderSolo - DDArmbinderSolo
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] =====Shooting Stars is searching for SKSE and SkyUI. Any errors below are harmless.=====
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] =====Shooting Stars is finished searching!=====
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - [zadbq00 ] DDYokeSolo - Created Non-Global Object 'DDYokeSolo'
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - GetSetAnimation(DDYokeSolo): set
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] [Zad]: Creating CreateDDYokeSolo
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:49PM] SEXLAB - Animations[-1] DDYokeSolo - DDYokeSolo
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: EnableEventProcessing()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Rehooking Mod Events
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ZadNpc::DoRegister(1.500000)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: RepopulateNpcs()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Not repopulating NPC slots: Feature is disabled.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ==========Begin Compatibility Checks==========
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Please note that Errors related to missing files should be ignored.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [ Dependency Checks ]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DDi version [4.000000]: OK
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: assets version [2.900000]: OK
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ZaZ Animation Pack version [610.000000]: OK
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Aroused version [20140124.000000]: OK
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: SexLab version [16200.000000]: OK
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [ Third Party Mod Compatibility Checks ]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [ Sanity Checks ]
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Verifying that installation is untainted by an unsupported upgrade: OK
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: ==========End Compatibility Checks==========
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Initializing Events arrays.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: zadEventSlots::Maintenance()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Config Interval:1.500000. Total number of events: 0. Next staggered update in 1.500000
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Nipple Piercings] Registered. Event #0
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Mana Drain] Registered. Event #1
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [belted Empty] Registered. Event #2
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Horny] Registered. Event #3
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Tight Corset] Registered. Event #5
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Posture Collar] Registered. Event #6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Periodic Shocks] Registered. Event #4
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Mystery] Registered. Event #7
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [bump Pumps] Registered. Event #8
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Yoke Struggle] Registered. Event #9
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Health Drain] Registered. Event #10
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath::Maintenance()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Restrictive Collar] Registered. Event #11
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Restraints+Armor] Registered. Event #12
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath Registered(80:21)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath Registered(81:26)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: DevicesUnderneath Registered(82:28)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: Set Device Hider slot to 41.
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: RebuildSlotmask()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [belt Chafing] Registered. Event #13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Chaos Plugs] Registered. Event #14
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Tight Gloves] Registered. Event #15
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Armbinder Struggle] Registered. Event #16
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [blindfold Trip] Registered. Event #17
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Wet Padding] Registered. Event #18
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [bra Chafing] Registered. Event #19
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Harness] Registered. Event #20
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Drip] Registered. Event #21
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Plug Moan] Registered. Event #22
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Vibration] Registered. Event #23
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [stamina Drain] Registered. Event #24
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:50PM] [Zad]: [Mounted] Registered. Event #25
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[item 3 in container (00000014)].zadHiderScript.Delete() - "" Line ?
[item 3 in container (00000014)].zadHiderScript.OnContainerChanged() - "zadHiderScript.psc" Line 5
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: Set slot mask to [337641472]: 337641472
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: Maintenance_ABC()
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 85
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204
[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 85
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204
[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: Refreshing ABC values...
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.UpdateValues() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 37
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 88
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204
[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp9"
.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 92
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.UpdateValues() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 37
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 88
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204
[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAprefixList not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetAAModID() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 93
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.UpdateValues() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 37
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadboundcombatscript.Maintenance_ABC() - "zadBoundCombatScript.psc" Line 88
[zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadbq00.Maintenance() - "zadBQ00.psc" Line 204
[alias Player on quest zadQuest (0D00F624)].zadPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "zadPlayerScript.psc" Line 13
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetAAmodID - MOD MISSING (not included by FNIS generator) mod: DeviousDevices prefix: abc
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:44
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:6
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:34
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:33
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:35
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:51
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:18
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:8
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:52
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:48
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:11
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:10
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:12
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] FNIS aa GetGroupBaseValue BAD parameter - mod: DeviousDevices/ modID: -1 groupID:0
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2 (10021) is initialising
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] JContainers 3.2 is installed
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] SexLab 1.62 is installed
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [CF][Framework] SexLab Aroused 20140124 is installed
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Bra (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Chastity Bra (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Bra (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Bra for Chastity Bra (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Arms for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Padded) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Legs for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Padded) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag short for Collar (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Collar (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Collar (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Padded)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Posture) (Steel)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Collar (Posture) (Steel)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag posture for Collar (Posture) (Steel)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Collar (Posture) (Steel)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Posture) (Steel)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Armbinder
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Armbinder
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Armbinder
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 758
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] [Zad]: adding tag Armbinder for Armbinder
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:51PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 758
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ball) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ball) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ball) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ball for Gag (Ball) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Gag (Ball) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ball) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Panel) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Panel) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Panel) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Panel for Gag (Panel) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Gag (Panel) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Panel) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ring) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ring) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ring) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ring for Gag (Ring) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Gag (Ring) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ring) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ball) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ball) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ball) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ball for Gag (Ball) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag strap for Gag (Ball) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ball) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Gag (Ring) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Gag (Ring) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Gag (Ring) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag ring for Gag (Ring) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag strap for Gag (Ring) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gag for Gag (Ring) (Simple)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Blindfold
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Blindfold
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Blindfold
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Blindfold for Blindfold
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_magidle of type int, returning 0.
[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1253
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_magatk of type int, returning 0.
[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1226
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Arms for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Leather) (Arms)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:52PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Legs for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Cuffs for Cuffs (Leather) (Legs)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Leather)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag short for Collar (Leather)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Collar (Leather)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Collar (Leather)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Leather)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Harness
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Full for Harness
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Harness
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Harness
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Harness
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Collar (Leather) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Collar (Leather) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Collar (Leather) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Harness for Collar (Leather) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Collar (Leather) (Harness)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag IRON for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Iron) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1309
[Active effect 2 on (2D0319B8)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_bowatk of type int, returning 0.
[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "" Line ?
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1393
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: (00000014): cannot fetch variable named FNISaa_1hmeqp of type int, returning 0.
[ (00000014)].Actor.GetAnimationVariableInt() - "" Line ?
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetAnimVar() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1664
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SaveFNISData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1670
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 758
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770
[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Iron) (Anal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Iron) (Anal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag IRON for Plug (Iron) (Anal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Iron) (Anal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Iron) (Anal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"
.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60
.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag primitive for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Primitive) (Vaginal)
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning None
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411
[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?
[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"
.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag simple for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag primitive for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Primitive) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Magic for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 651[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Soulgem) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:53PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Magic for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Soulgem) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 770[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag inflatable for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag pump for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Inflatable) (Vaginal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1228[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag inflatable for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Anal for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag pump for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Plug for Plug (Inflatable) (Anal)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 4 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnObjectEquipped() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Open for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1237[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Belt for Chastity Belt (Padded) (Open)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [CF][Framework] Sending register event[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() Begin[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() Registering[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Starting to read config files from Data/SLNC.d[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Found 4 config files in Data/SLNC.d[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Reading config file 30_slnc-mnc.json[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 4: [Race ], Husky (Companion), [Form < (3A00CE2F)>], Judah (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00CE31)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 3: [Race ], Husky, [Form < (3A00CE2F)>], Judah (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00CE31)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 2: [Race ], Death Hound (Companion), [Form < (3A00F5D0)>], Deathhound Brute (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00F5CF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 1: [Race ], Death Hound, [Form < (3A00F5D0)>], Deathhound Brute (MNC), None, [Form < (3A00F5CF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 0: [Race ], Werebear, [Form < (39022CF5)>], Arch Demon (MNC), None, [Form < (39022CF4)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Reading config file 20_slnc-dg.json[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 8: [Form ], Armored Frost Troll, [Form < (02016688)>], Armored Frost Troll, None, [Form < (3A014507)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 7: [Form ], Armored Troll, [Form < (02016689)>], Armored Troll, [Form < (3A00CE35)>], [Form < (3A00A693)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 6: [Form ], Sabrecat (Glow), None, , None, [Form < (3A005742)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 5: [Race ], Husky (Companion), None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574C)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 4: [Race ], Husky, None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574C)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 3: [Race ], Armored Husky (Companion), None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574D)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 2: [Race ], Armored Husky, None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574D)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 1: [Race ], Death Hound (Companion), None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574A)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 0: [Race ], Death Hound, None, , None, [Armor < (3A00574A)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Reading config file 20_slnc-db.json[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 11: [Form ], Lurker, [Form < (04014497)>], Lurker, None, [Form < (39011436)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 10: [Race ], Ashman, [Form < (0402B04B)>], Ashman, None, [Form < (3901A096)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 9: [Race ], Werebear, None, Werebear, None, [Form < (39014302)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 8: [Form ], riekling, None, , None, [Form < (39005901)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 7: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354ED)>], Thirsk Riekling 3, None, [Form < (39005908)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 6: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354EA)>], Thirsk Riekling 2, None, [Form < (39005907)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 5: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354E8)>], Thirsk Riekling 1, None, [Form < (39005906)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 4: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354E2)>], Riekling Chief, None, [Form < (39005905)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 3: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354E6)>], Riekling Melee 3, None, [Form < (39005904)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 2: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354E5)>], Riekling Melee 2, None, [Form < (39005903)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 1: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (040354E3)>], Riekling Melee 1, None, [Form < (39005902)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 0: [Form ], riekling, [Form < (04017F46)>], riekling, None, [Form < (39005901)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Reading config file 10_slnc.json[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 66: [Form ], Skeever (White), None, Skeever (White), None, [Form < (3802719E)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 12, got 8. stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 162[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 65: [Form ], skeever, None, skeever, None, [Form < (3802719D)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 12, got 8. stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 162[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 64: [Form ], Fox, [Form < (000829B7)>], Arctic Fox, None, [Form < (380266D6)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 63: [Form ], Fox, [Form < (000829B4)>], Fox, None, [Form < (380266D5)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 62: [Race ], Dragon (Alduin), None, , None, [Form < (38024684)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 61: [Race ], Dragon, None, , None, [Form < (38024684)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 60: [Race ], Khajiit Vampire, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 59: [Race ], Khajiit, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 58: [Race ], Argonian Vampire, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 57: [Race ], Argonian, None, , None, [Form < (38023BBE)>], [4, 4194304][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 56: [Race ], Werewolf, None, , None, [Form < (38023656)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 55: [Race ], Horse (Cart), [Form < (00086503)>], Shadowmere, None, [Form < (380230F1)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 54: [Race ], Horse (Cart), [Form < (0008650E)>], Palomino, None, [Form < (380230F0)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 53: [Race ], Horse (Cart), [Form < (0008650F)>], Grey, None, [Form < (380230EF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 52: [Race ], Horse (Cart), [Form < (00086510)>], Black & White, None, [Form < (380230EE)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 51: [Race ], Horse (Cart), [Form < (0008650D)>], Black, None, [Form < (380230ED)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 50: [Race ], Horse (Cart), [Form < (00060715)>], Brown, None, [Form < (380230EC)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 49: [Race ], Horse, [Form < (00086503)>], Shadowmere, None, [Form < (380230F1)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 48: [Race ], Horse, [Form < (0008650E)>], Palomino, None, [Form < (380230F0)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 47: [Race ], Horse, [Form < (0008650F)>], Grey, None, [Form < (380230EF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 46: [Race ], Horse, [Form < (00086510)>], Black & White, None, [Form < (380230EE)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 45: [Race ], Horse, [Form < (0008650D)>], Black, None, [Form < (380230ED)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 44: [Race ], Horse, [Form < (00060715)>], Brown, None, [Form < (380230EC)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 43: [Race ], Chaurus Reaper, None, All, None, [Form < (380230E5)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 42: [Race ], Chaurus, None, All, None, [Form < (380230E5)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 41: [Race ], Giant Spider, [Form < (0002C181)>], Giant Snow Spider, None, [Form < (380230E2)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 40: [Race ], Giant Spider, [Form < (0002C180)>], Giant Spider, None, [Form < (380230E1)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 39: [Race ], Giant Spider, None, All, None, [Form < (380230E1)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 38: [Race ], Large Spider, [Form < (00048C0E)>], Snow Spider, None, [Form < (380230E0)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 37: [Race ], Large Spider, [Form < (0003636F)>], Large Spider, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 36: [Race ], Large Spider, None, All, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 35: [Race ], Frostbite Spider, [Form < (00048C0E)>], Snow Spider, None, [Form < (380230E0)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 34: [Race ], Frostbite Spider, [Form < (0003636F)>], Frostbite, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 33: [Race ], Frostbite Spider, None, All, None, [Form < (380230DF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 32: [Race ], Dog (MG07), None, MG07, None, [Armor < (38023BB9)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 31: [Race ], Dog (Barbas), None, Barbas, None, [Armor < (3800C196)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 30: [Race ], Dog (Companion), None, Companion, None, [Armor < (3800C196)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 29: [Race ], Dog, None, All, None, [Armor < (3800C196)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 28: [Race ], wolf, [Form < (000C02F8)>], Summoned Wolf, None, [Form < (3800C19F)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 27: [Race ], wolf, [Form < (000C02FB)>], Black Wolf, None, [Form < (3800C19E)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 26: [Race ], wolf, [Form < (0004E886)>], wolf, None, [Form < (3800C19D)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 25: [Race ], Snow Sabrecat, None, All, None, [Form < (38004AB6)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 24: [Race ], SabreCat, None, All, None, [Form < (38004AB7)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 23: [Race ], Snow Bear, None, Snow Bear, None, [Form < (38004AB2)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 22: [Race ], Brown Bear, None, Brown Bear, None, [Form < (38004AB0)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 21: [Race ], Black Bear, None, Black Bear, None, [Form < (38004AB1)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 20: [Race ], Troll, None, Default, None, [Form < (380012CF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 19: [Race ], Troll, [Form < (000F0779)>], Uderfrykte, None, [Form < (380012D0)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 18: [Race ], Troll, [Form < (00016EE4)>], Troll, None, [Form < (380012CC)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 17: [Race ], Frost Troll, None, Frost Troll, None, [Form < (380012CF)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 16: [Race ], Giant, None, Giant, None, [Form < (380012CE)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 15: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00050F3A)>], Falmer 6, None, [Form < (38002312)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 14: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00050F38)>], Falmer 5, None, [Form < (38002311)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 13: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00050F36)>], Falmer 4, None, [Form < (38002310)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 12: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00050F34)>], Falmer 3, None, [Form < (3800230F)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 11: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00050F32)>], Falmer 2, None, [Form < (3800230E)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 10: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00050F30)>], Falmer 1, None, [Form < (3800230D)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 9: [Race ], falmer, [Form < (00016EE7)>], falmer, None, [Form < (38000D63)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 8: [Race ], draugr, None, Default, None, [Form < (380012CD)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 7: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE84)>], Draugr Male 7, None, [Form < (38002306)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 6: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE83)>], Draugr Male 6, None, [Form < (38002305)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 5: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE82)>], Draugr Male 5, None, [Form < (38002304)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 4: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE81)>], Draugr Male 4, None, [Form < (38002303)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 3: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE80)>], Draugr Male 3, None, [Form < (38002302)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 2: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE7F)>], Draugr Male 2, None, [Form < (38002301)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 1: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (0001FE7E)>], Draugr Male 1, None, [Form < (38002300)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: Entry 0: [Race ], draugr, [Form < (00016EE3)>], draugr, None, [Form < (380012CD)>], [][08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncaddondgscript ]: AddonDG.registerStuff()[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6. stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerVampireLordStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 30[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 6[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerVampireLordStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 30[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 6[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6. stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 54[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 54[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6. stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 55[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 55[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments passed. Expected 10, got 6. stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 56[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"stack:[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.RegisterCreatureEvent() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 212[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerGargoyleStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 56[slncAddonDG (3A002F9A)].slncaddondgscript.registerStuff() - "slncAddonDGScript.psc" Line 7[slncControllerQuest (380110DF)].slncMainQuestScript.OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() - "slncMainQuestScript.psc" Line 181[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [slnc] [slncMainQuestScript ]: OnCreatureFrameworkRegister() End[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1246[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Belt (Padded)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Full for Chastity Belt (Padded)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag padded for Chastity Belt (Padded)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Belt (Padded)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Belt for Chastity Belt (Padded)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1255[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Chastity Belt (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Full for Chastity Belt (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag IRON for Chastity Belt (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Chastity Belt (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Belt for Chastity Belt (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1264[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp43"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Cannot call GetValue() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp45"stack:[Active effect 7 on (00000014)].DualSheathReduxEffect.OnUpdate() - "DualSheathReduxEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag nipple for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag piercing for Nipple Piercings (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1276[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag SoulGem for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Vaginal for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag piercing for Vaginal Piercing (Soulgem)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:54PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Restrictive Collar[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Restrictive Collar[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag restrictive for Restrictive Collar[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Collar for Restrictive Collar[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag koffii for Restrictive Collar[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Restrictive Collar[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1398[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Restrictive Corset[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Restrictive Corset[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Corset for Restrictive Corset[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag restrictive for Restrictive Corset[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Restrictive Corset[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1411[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Black for Restrictive Gloves[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Leather for Restrictive Gloves[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Gloves for Restrictive Gloves[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag restrictive for Restrictive Gloves[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Restrictive Gloves[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp32"stack:.fnis_aa.GetInstallationCRC() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 217[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.GetFNISSaveData() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1694[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] ERROR: Static function GetAAnumber not found on object fnis_aa2. Aborting call and returning Nonestack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp8"stack:.fnis_aa.SetAnimGroup() - "FNIS_aa.psc" Line 60.xpmselib.SetAA() - "XPMSELib.psc" Line 223[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.SetAA() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1595[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.Restyle() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line 1424[Active effect 3 on (00000014)].XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.OnPlayerCameraState() - "XPMSEWeaponStyleScaleEffect.psc" Line ?[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Metal for Yoke (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag Yoke for Yoke (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: adding tag DDi for Yoke (Iron)[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: Finished registering devices.[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: Begin skse print test.[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: End skse print test.[08/27/2016 - 04:59:55PM] [Zad]: Monitoring Camera state.[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Beginning JSON registration[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Found 5 JSON files in creatures.d[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-db.json; skipping[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-dg.json; skipping[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-mnc-db.json; skipping[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc-mnc-dg.json; skipping[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Already loaded file slnc.json; skipping[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Finished JSON registration[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Forcing active actor restart[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Finished on ["Elk" [Actor < (000DC552)>]][08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Finished on ["Deer" [Actor < (000DC553)>]][08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't deactivate actor ["Elk" [Actor < (000DC552)>]]; restarting[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Framework] Didn't deactivate actor ["Deer" [Actor < (000DC553)>]]; restarting[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Removing both API armours from ["Elk" [Actor < (000DC552)>]] and doing nothing else[08/27/2016 - 04:59:56PM] [CF][Creature] Removing both API armours from ["Deer" [Actor < (000DC553)>]] and doing nothing else[08/27/2016 - 05:00:01PM] [CF][Main Quest] Player casting target puppet spell


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