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Can this AI mod be made yet?


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The AI is too forgetful and too oblivious, and I know we can improve this with little effort.


When a bandit inside of a bandit lair sees one of his freshly killed buddies on the ground, he should freak out. When he then gets shot by an arrow for the Nth time from somewhere in the shadows, he should freak out. And when these things happen, he should stay in an alerted state for a LONG time. He should NOT search for 15 seconds, give up and then go sit back down beside his dead friend, and sip Honningbrew as he sings to himself. This is severely immersion-breaking here. And the best part? You, the cunning assassin of the night, are crouched 30 feet away in plain sight, and under a lit lantern to boot! But nope, that AI can't see you! Because your sneak skill is at a whopping 32! Line of sight should matter more.


I've done some light modding in the past. How hard would it be to play with the AI scripting? I want two things:


1. AI alert states should be much longer, especially when bodily harm befalls them or their friends. (This'll make an incentive to hide bodies of fallen baddies - that's just fun gameplay)


2. AI sight range is also too short. Also, if the AI is searching for you and gets within 10 feet, they should be able to see you. And if you're being lit up by torches and lanterns, and you're within 200 feet of the AI, and they have line of sight on you, you should not be able to hide AT ALL.


Anybody play stealth characters with me on this? I can't be the only one tired of gaming this AI like it's just graduated from special needs class. "Bandit #3 stop eating the glitter Dear"

Edited by DubiousDrewski
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