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My dream mod its truly a dream, an immense world full of interaction (i will sacrifice a 500 gigs HD for this, maybe even e Tera HD) a place that take me a week (real time) to travel coast to coast, a game that will never finish (skyrim has a end when you are doig the stupid animal extermination quest the game has reach an end) a game that create himself intelligent and not stupid quest (trough DLC, expasion etc) at the end i will love a complete and a infinite Nirn (not tamriel, not skyrim, not morrowind the whole world) :)


Only a game its similar to what i dream (logically trough the modders work) Neverwinter Nights

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Something that spreads out the game over a large amount of area, so that it's similar to Daggerfall but with more hills, trees, mountains, and such.
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