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My dream mod is to create randomly generated loot properties; like in Diablo, one would a daedric piece of armour, but then you'd look closely and find out that its a pile of garbage. XD

After playing skyrim for a week, I can't find anything that surpasses my daedric armour set, or weapons, I'm so sick of looking at my blasted daedric outfit! I don't care if its impossible; I WANT IT!!!

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My dream mod is to create randomly generated loot properties; like in Diablo, one would a daedric piece of armour, but then you'd look closely and find out that its a pile of garbage. XD

After playing skyrim for a week, I can't find anything that surpasses my daedric armour set, or weapons, I'm so sick of looking at my blasted daedric outfit! I don't care if its impossible; I WANT IT!!!

There are plenty of mods for armor! If you have high enough skill in your preferred armor type you can walk around in the weakest set of that armor and be just fine. You can also enchant your favorite set of armor to make it work better. I love the steel plate any my heavy armor is 98 or 99 so that's what I've been walking around in, and I'm not taking a whole lot of damage at all.

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I hope someone does actually read this suggestion as I'm sure it be pretty easy to pull off but then again; I don't know much about mods.


I'd like to see a Werewolf Mod where when the player changes they turn into a wolf rather than a werewolf (in other words doesn't use two legs always uses four) a large giant wolf with superhuman speed and strength? Maybe in the style of the wolf clans in Twilight?


Maybe with some fur colour choices? Like Gray, White, Red, etc. Realistic colours of course, nothing ridculously bright :)



Edited by khajiitsean
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There are so many things that i would like to see done. For all that this game is, it's quite linier and boring, but if i had to chose from the many ideas i have and what this game NEEDS.....


Better AI.


other wise, I'd like to see the mobs level up as i level up, like in Dragon Age.

As it is, the only way for this game to be challenging for me is no not upgrade any of my gear, other wise i'm indestructible and everything dies in 1 hit.

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1: No Twilight here! This is Skyrim with real vampires that burn in the sun, not sparkle disco balls

2: i've started a topic some time ago with the same concepts. But the best mod is I think:


Dynamic snow. Not the dynamic snow we know from the mod, but real dynamic snow. metres of thick snow that clearly leave 3 dimensional tracks, not just add a new texture of footprints. I mean siberian style snow in which it is extremely difficult to move through.

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There are so many things that i would like to see done. For all that this game is, it's quite linier and boring, but if i had to chose from the many ideas i have and what this game NEEDS.....


Better AI.


other wise, I'd like to see the mobs level up as i level up, like in Dragon Age.

As it is, the only way for this game to be challenging for me is no not upgrade any of my gear, other wise i'm indestructible and everything dies in 1 hit.


I was just thinking about this.. the "Warzones" mod has too many NPCs that are all too weak (imo) and the "Wars in skyrim" mod has new enemies and such but they don't attack in large enough groups to be considered dangerous still... I would love a mod that just loads a group of 10 powerful NPCs all at once.. possibly even in an 8v2 scenario, like 2 high level vampires vs. 8 very high level NPCs that are equipped well (epic-legendary refined, double enchanted weapons & armor; borderline champions) and faction'd against you. Just have them unnamed or "Adventurer" or something.. something where you have to down like 50 potions to win the fight at level 65.. although thinking about it that would probably depend a lot on the AI. Maybe have the AI able to drink potions and equip them with potions to drink, thus allowing them to heal from a huge impalement like the player can?

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I want to see an alternate start mod that starts you as the eldest member of a small family (of which the family's race along with the player character's is of your choosing) with their own set of quests.


Or if that doesn't work out, I would like to see a Quest mod set in a small portion of Hammerfell

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